Namespaces | |
__debug | |
__detail | |
__parallel | |
chrono | |
decimal | |
experimental | |
filesystem | |
literals | |
numbers | |
placeholders | |
regex_constants | |
rel_ops | |
this_thread | |
tr1 | |
tr2 | |
Typedefs | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | __allocator_base = __new_allocator< _Tp > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __assigns_from_optional = __or_< is_assignable< _Tp &, const optional< _Up > & >, is_assignable< _Tp &, optional< _Up > & >, is_assignable< _Tp &, const optional< _Up > && >, is_assignable< _Tp &, optional< _Up > && > > |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
using | __async_result_of = typename __invoke_result< typename decay< _Fn >::type, typename decay< _Args >::type... >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | __atomic_diff_t = typename atomic< _Tp >::difference_type |
typedef unsigned char | __atomic_flag_data_type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | __atomic_val_t = __type_identity_t< _Tp > |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Hash , typename _Pred , typename _Val = typename iterator_traits<_RAIter>::value_type, typename _Diff = typename iterator_traits<_RAIter>::difference_type> | |
using | __boyer_moore_base_t = __conditional_t< __is_byte_like< _Val, _Pred >::value, __boyer_moore_array_base< _Diff, 256, _Pred >, __boyer_moore_map_base< _Val, _Diff, _Hash, _Pred > > |
template<typename _IntegerType > | |
using | __byte_op_t = typename __byte_operand< _IntegerType >::__type |
typedef FILE | __c_file |
typedef __locale_t | __c_locale |
typedef __gthread_mutex_t | __c_lock |
template<bool _Cond, typename _If , typename _Else > | |
using | __conditional_t = typename __conditional< _Cond >::template type< _If, _Else > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __converts_from_optional = __or_< is_constructible< _Tp, const optional< _Up > & >, is_constructible< _Tp, optional< _Up > & >, is_constructible< _Tp, const optional< _Up > && >, is_constructible< _Tp, optional< _Up > && >, is_convertible< const optional< _Up > &, _Tp >, is_convertible< optional< _Up > &, _Tp >, is_convertible< const optional< _Up > &&, _Tp >, is_convertible< optional< _Up > &&, _Tp > > |
typedef basic_string< char > | __cow_string |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | __empty_not_final = __conditional_t< __is_final(_Tp), false_type, __is_empty_non_tuple< _Tp > > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up = typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type, typename = typename enable_if<is_same<_Tp, _Up>::value>::type, size_t = tuple_size<_Tp>::value> | |
using | __enable_if_has_tuple_size = _Tp |
template<typename _Func , typename _SfinaeType > | |
using | __has_is_transparent_t = typename __has_is_transparent< _Func, _SfinaeType >::type |
template<typename _ToElementType , typename _FromElementType > | |
using | __is_array_convertible = is_convertible< _FromElementType(*)[], _ToElementType(*)[]> |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | __is_in_place_type = bool_constant< __is_in_place_type_v< _Tp > > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __is_nothrow_assignable_impl = __bool_constant< __is_nothrow_assignable(_Tp, _Up)> |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 = typename decay<_Tp>::type> | |
using | __is_socketlike = __or_< is_integral< _Tp2 >, is_enum< _Tp2 > > |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
using | __iter_key_t = remove_const_t< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type::first_type > |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
using | __iter_to_alloc_t = pair< add_const_t< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator > >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator > > |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
using | __iter_val_t = typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type::second_type |
template<typename _Iter > | |
using | __iterator_category_t = typename iterator_traits< _Iter >::iterator_category |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __optional_eq_t = __optional_relop_t< decltype(std::declval< const _Tp & >()==std::declval< const _Up & >()) > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __optional_ge_t = __optional_relop_t< decltype(std::declval< const _Tp & >() >=std::declval< const _Up & >()) > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __optional_gt_t = __optional_relop_t< decltype(std::declval< const _Tp & >() > std::declval< const _Up & >()) > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __optional_le_t = __optional_relop_t< decltype(std::declval< const _Tp & >()<=std::declval< const _Up & >()) > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __optional_lt_t = __optional_relop_t< decltype(std::declval< const _Tp & >()< std::declval< const _Up & >()) > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
using | __optional_ne_t = __optional_relop_t< decltype(std::declval< const _Tp & >() !=std::declval< const _Up & >()) > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | __optional_relop_t = enable_if_t< is_convertible< _Tp, bool >::value, bool > |
template<typename _Ptr , typename _Tp > | |
using | __ptr_rebind = typename pointer_traits< _Ptr >::template rebind< _Tp > |
template<typename _Ptr > | |
using | __ptr_traits_elem_t = typename __get_first_arg< _Ptr >::type |
using | __rvalue_stream_extraction_t = _Is && |
using | __rvalue_stream_insertion_t = _Os && |
using | __semaphore_impl = __atomic_semaphore |
typedef basic_string< char > | __sso_string |
template<size_t __i, typename _Tp > | |
using | __tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element< __i, _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash = hash<_Key>, typename _Pred = std::equal_to<_Key>, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const _Key, _Tp> >, typename _Tr = __umap_traits<__cache_default<_Key, _Hash>::value>> | |
using | __umap_hashtable = _Hashtable< _Key, std::pair< const _Key, _Tp >, _Alloc, __detail::_Select1st, _Pred, _Hash, __detail::_Mod_range_hashing, __detail::_Default_ranged_hash, __detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, _Tr > |
template<bool _Cache> | |
using | __umap_traits = __detail::_Hashtable_traits< _Cache, false, true > |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash = hash<_Key>, typename _Pred = std::equal_to<_Key>, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const _Key, _Tp> >, typename _Tr = __ummap_traits<__cache_default<_Key, _Hash>::value>> | |
using | __ummap_hashtable = _Hashtable< _Key, std::pair< const _Key, _Tp >, _Alloc, __detail::_Select1st, _Pred, _Hash, __detail::_Mod_range_hashing, __detail::_Default_ranged_hash, __detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, _Tr > |
template<bool _Cache> | |
using | __ummap_traits = __detail::_Hashtable_traits< _Cache, false, false > |
template<typename _Value , typename _Hash = hash<_Value>, typename _Pred = std::equal_to<_Value>, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>, typename _Tr = __umset_traits<__cache_default<_Value, _Hash>::value>> | |
using | __umset_hashtable = _Hashtable< _Value, _Value, _Alloc, __detail::_Identity, _Pred, _Hash, __detail::_Mod_range_hashing, __detail::_Default_ranged_hash, __detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, _Tr > |
template<bool _Cache> | |
using | __umset_traits = __detail::_Hashtable_traits< _Cache, true, false > |
template<typename _Value , typename _Hash = hash<_Value>, typename _Pred = std::equal_to<_Value>, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>, typename _Tr = __uset_traits<__cache_default<_Value, _Hash>::value>> | |
using | __uset_hashtable = _Hashtable< _Value, _Value, _Alloc, __detail::_Identity, _Pred, _Hash, __detail::_Mod_range_hashing, __detail::_Default_ranged_hash, __detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, _Tr > |
template<bool _Cache> | |
using | __uset_traits = __detail::_Hashtable_traits< _Cache, true, true > |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
using | _Bind_front_t = _Bind_front< decay_t< _Fn >, decay_t< _Args >... > |
typedef unsigned long | _Bit_type |
template<typename _Path , typename _Result = _Path, typename _Path2 = decltype(std::declval<_Path&>().make_preferred().filename())> | |
using | _If_fs_path = enable_if_t< is_same_v< _Path, _Path2 >, _Result > |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
using | _RequireAllocator = typename enable_if< __is_allocator< _Alloc >::value, _Alloc >::type |
template<typename _InIter > | |
using | _RequireInputIter = __enable_if_t< is_convertible< __iterator_category_t< _InIter >, input_iterator_tag >::value > |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
using | _RequireNotAllocator = typename enable_if<!__is_allocator< _Alloc >::value, _Alloc >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | add_const_t = typename add_const< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | add_cv_t = typename add_cv< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | add_lvalue_reference_t = typename add_lvalue_reference< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | add_pointer_t = typename add_pointer< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | add_rvalue_reference_t = typename add_rvalue_reference< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | add_volatile_t = typename add_volatile< _Tp >::type |
template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align = __alignof__(typename __aligned_storage_msa<_Len>::__type)> | |
using | aligned_storage_t = typename aligned_storage< _Len, _Align >::type |
template<size_t _Len, typename... _Types> | |
using | aligned_union_t = typename aligned_union< _Len, _Types... >::type |
typedef atomic< bool > | atomic_bool |
typedef atomic< char > | atomic_char |
typedef atomic< char16_t > | atomic_char16_t |
typedef atomic< char32_t > | atomic_char32_t |
typedef atomic< int > | atomic_int |
typedef atomic< int16_t > | atomic_int16_t |
typedef atomic< int32_t > | atomic_int32_t |
typedef atomic< int64_t > | atomic_int64_t |
typedef atomic< int8_t > | atomic_int8_t |
typedef atomic< int_fast16_t > | atomic_int_fast16_t |
typedef atomic< int_fast32_t > | atomic_int_fast32_t |
typedef atomic< int_fast64_t > | atomic_int_fast64_t |
typedef atomic< int_fast8_t > | atomic_int_fast8_t |
typedef atomic< int_least16_t > | atomic_int_least16_t |
typedef atomic< int_least32_t > | atomic_int_least32_t |
typedef atomic< int_least64_t > | atomic_int_least64_t |
typedef atomic< int_least8_t > | atomic_int_least8_t |
typedef atomic< intmax_t > | atomic_intmax_t |
typedef atomic< intptr_t > | atomic_intptr_t |
typedef atomic< long long > | atomic_llong |
typedef atomic< long > | atomic_long |
typedef atomic< ptrdiff_t > | atomic_ptrdiff_t |
typedef atomic< signed char > | atomic_schar |
typedef atomic< short > | atomic_short |
typedef atomic< size_t > | atomic_size_t |
typedef atomic< unsigned char > | atomic_uchar |
typedef atomic< unsigned int > | atomic_uint |
typedef atomic< uint16_t > | atomic_uint16_t |
typedef atomic< uint32_t > | atomic_uint32_t |
typedef atomic< uint64_t > | atomic_uint64_t |
typedef atomic< uint8_t > | atomic_uint8_t |
typedef atomic< uint_fast16_t > | atomic_uint_fast16_t |
typedef atomic< uint_fast32_t > | atomic_uint_fast32_t |
typedef atomic< uint_fast64_t > | atomic_uint_fast64_t |
typedef atomic< uint_fast8_t > | atomic_uint_fast8_t |
typedef atomic< uint_least16_t > | atomic_uint_least16_t |
typedef atomic< uint_least32_t > | atomic_uint_least32_t |
typedef atomic< uint_least64_t > | atomic_uint_least64_t |
typedef atomic< uint_least8_t > | atomic_uint_least8_t |
typedef atomic< uintmax_t > | atomic_uintmax_t |
typedef atomic< uintptr_t > | atomic_uintptr_t |
typedef atomic< unsigned long long > | atomic_ullong |
typedef atomic< unsigned long > | atomic_ulong |
typedef atomic< unsigned short > | atomic_ushort |
typedef atomic< wchar_t > | atomic_wchar_t |
typedef ratio< 1, 1000000000000000000 > | atto |
using | binary_semaphore = std::counting_semaphore< 1 > |
template<bool __v> | |
using | bool_constant = integral_constant< bool, __v > |
typedef ratio< 1, 100 > | centi |
typedef match_results< const char * > | cmatch |
template<typename... _Ts> | |
using | common_comparison_category_t = typename common_comparison_category< _Ts... >::type |
template<typename... _Tp> | |
using | common_reference_t = typename common_reference< _Tp... >::type |
template<typename... _Tp> | |
using | common_type_t = typename common_type< _Tp... >::type |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up = _Tp> | |
using | compare_three_way_result_t = typename __detail::__cmp3way_res_impl< _Tp, _Up >::type |
template<bool _Cond, typename _Iftrue , typename _Iffalse > | |
using | conditional_t = typename conditional< _Cond, _Iftrue, _Iffalse >::type |
typedef regex_iterator< const char * > | cregex_iterator |
typedef regex_token_iterator< const char * > | cregex_token_iterator |
typedef sub_match< const char * > | csub_match |
typedef ratio< 10, 1 > | deca |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | decay_t = typename decay< _Tp >::type |
typedef ratio< 1, 10 > | deci |
typedef minstd_rand0 | default_random_engine |
template<bool _Cond, typename _Tp = void> | |
using | enable_if_t = typename enable_if< _Cond, _Tp >::type |
typedef ratio< 1000000000000000000, 1 > | exa |
using | false_type = integral_constant< bool, false > |
typedef ratio< 1, 1000000000000000 > | femto |
typedef basic_filebuf< char > | filebuf |
typedef basic_fstream< char > | fstream |
typedef ratio< 1000000000, 1 > | giga |
typedef ratio< 100, 1 > | hecto |
typedef basic_ifstream< char > | ifstream |
template<size_t... _Idx> | |
using | index_sequence = integer_sequence< size_t, _Idx... > |
template<typename... _Types> | |
using | index_sequence_for = make_index_sequence< sizeof...(_Types)> |
using | indirect_result_t = invoke_result_t< _Fn, iter_reference_t< _Is >... > |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
using | invoke_result_t = typename invoke_result< _Fn, _Args... >::type |
typedef basic_ios< char > | ios |
typedef basic_iostream< char > | iostream |
typedef basic_istream< char > | istream |
typedef basic_istringstream< char > | istringstream |
template<indirectly_readable _Tp> | |
using | iter_common_reference_t = common_reference_t< iter_reference_t< _Tp >, iter_value_t< _Tp > & > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | iter_difference_t = __detail::__iter_diff_t< remove_cvref_t< _Tp > > |
template<__detail::__dereferenceable _Tp> | |
using | iter_reference_t = decltype(*std::declval< _Tp & >()) |
template<__detail::__dereferenceable _Tp> | |
using | iter_rvalue_reference_t = ranges::__cust_imove::_IMove::__type< _Tp & > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | iter_value_t = __detail::__iter_value_t< remove_cvref_t< _Tp > > |
typedef ratio< 1000, 1 > | kilo |
typedef shuffle_order_engine< minstd_rand0, 256 > | knuth_b |
template<size_t _Num> | |
using | make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence< size_t, _Num > |
template<typename _Tp , _Tp _Num> | |
using | make_integer_sequence = __make_integer_seq< integer_sequence, _Tp, _Num > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | make_signed_t = typename make_signed< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | make_unsigned_t = typename make_unsigned< _Tp >::type |
typedef ratio< 1000000, 1 > | mega |
typedef ratio< 1, 1000000 > | micro |
typedef ratio< 1, 1000 > | milli |
typedef linear_congruential_engine< uint_fast32_t, 48271UL, 0UL, 2147483647UL > | minstd_rand |
typedef linear_congruential_engine< uint_fast32_t, 16807UL, 0UL, 2147483647UL > | minstd_rand0 |
typedef mersenne_twister_engine< uint_fast32_t, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0dfUL, 11, 0xffffffffUL, 7, 0x9d2c5680UL, 15, 0xefc60000UL, 18, 1812433253UL > | mt19937 |
typedef mersenne_twister_engine< uint_fast64_t, 64, 312, 156, 31, 0xb5026f5aa96619e9ULL, 29, 0x5555555555555555ULL, 17, 0x71d67fffeda60000ULL, 37, 0xfff7eee000000000ULL, 43, 6364136223846793005ULL > | mt19937_64 |
typedef ratio< 1, 1000000000 > | nano |
typedef void(* | new_handler) () |
typedef basic_ofstream< char > | ofstream |
typedef basic_ostream< char > | ostream |
typedef basic_ostringstream< char > | ostringstream |
typedef ratio< 1000000000000000, 1 > | peta |
typedef ratio< 1, 1000000000000 > | pico |
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ | ptrdiff_t |
typedef discard_block_engine< ranlux24_base, 223, 23 > | ranlux24 |
typedef subtract_with_carry_engine< uint_fast32_t, 24, 10, 24 > | ranlux24_base |
typedef discard_block_engine< ranlux48_base, 389, 11 > | ranlux48 |
typedef subtract_with_carry_engine< uint_fast64_t, 48, 5, 12 > | ranlux48_base |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
using | ratio_add = typename __ratio_add< _R1, _R2 >::type |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
using | ratio_divide = typename __ratio_divide< _R1, _R2 >::type |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
using | ratio_multiply = typename __ratio_multiply< _R1, _R2 >::type |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
using | ratio_subtract = typename __ratio_subtract< _R1, _R2 >::type |
typedef basic_regex< char > | regex |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_all_extents_t = typename remove_all_extents< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_const_t = typename remove_const< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_cv_t = typename remove_cv< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_extent_t = typename remove_extent< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_pointer_t = typename remove_pointer< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_volatile_t = typename remove_volatile< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | result_of_t = typename result_of< _Tp >::type |
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ | size_t |
typedef match_results< string::const_iterator > | smatch |
typedef regex_iterator< string::const_iterator > | sregex_iterator |
typedef regex_token_iterator< string::const_iterator > | sregex_token_iterator |
typedef sub_match< string::const_iterator > | ssub_match |
typedef basic_streambuf< char > | streambuf |
typedef long long | streamoff |
typedef fpos< mbstate_t > | streampos |
typedef ptrdiff_t | streamsize |
typedef basic_string< char > | string |
using | string_view = basic_string_view< char > |
typedef basic_stringbuf< char > | stringbuf |
typedef basic_stringstream< char > | stringstream |
typedef ratio< 1000000000000, 1 > | tera |
typedef void(* | terminate_handler) () |
using | true_type = integral_constant< bool, true > |
template<size_t __i, typename _Tp > | |
using | tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element< __i, _Tp >::type |
typedef fpos< mbstate_t > | u16streampos |
typedef basic_string< char16_t > | u16string |
using | u16string_view = basic_string_view< char16_t > |
typedef fpos< mbstate_t > | u32streampos |
typedef basic_string< char32_t > | u32string |
using | u32string_view = basic_string_view< char32_t > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | underlying_type_t = typename underlying_type< _Tp >::type |
typedef void(* | unexpected_handler) () |
template<size_t _Np, typename _Variant > | |
using | variant_alternative_t = typename variant_alternative< _Np, _Variant >::type |
template<typename... > | |
using | void_t = void |
typedef match_results< const wchar_t * > | wcmatch |
typedef regex_iterator< const wchar_t * > | wcregex_iterator |
typedef regex_token_iterator< const wchar_t * > | wcregex_token_iterator |
typedef sub_match< const wchar_t * > | wcsub_match |
typedef basic_filebuf< wchar_t > | wfilebuf |
typedef basic_fstream< wchar_t > | wfstream |
typedef basic_ifstream< wchar_t > | wifstream |
typedef basic_ios< wchar_t > | wios |
typedef basic_iostream< wchar_t > | wiostream |
typedef basic_istream< wchar_t > | wistream |
typedef basic_istringstream< wchar_t > | wistringstream |
typedef basic_ofstream< wchar_t > | wofstream |
typedef basic_ostream< wchar_t > | wostream |
typedef basic_ostringstream< wchar_t > | wostringstream |
typedef basic_regex< wchar_t > | wregex |
typedef match_results< wstring::const_iterator > | wsmatch |
typedef regex_iterator< wstring::const_iterator > | wsregex_iterator |
typedef regex_token_iterator< wstring::const_iterator > | wsregex_token_iterator |
typedef sub_match< wstring::const_iterator > | wssub_match |
typedef basic_streambuf< wchar_t > | wstreambuf |
typedef fpos< mbstate_t > | wstreampos |
typedef basic_string< wchar_t > | wstring |
using | wstring_view = basic_string_view< wchar_t > |
typedef basic_stringbuf< wchar_t > | wstringbuf |
typedef basic_stringstream< wchar_t > | wstringstream |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | remove_cvref_t = typename remove_cvref< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | type_identity_t = typename type_identity< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | unwrap_reference_t = typename unwrap_reference< _Tp >::type |
template<typename _Tp > | |
using | unwrap_ref_decay_t = typename unwrap_ref_decay< _Tp >::type |
Enumerations | |
enum | { _S_threshold } |
enum | { _S_chunk_size } |
enum | { _S_word_bit } |
enum class | __barrier_phase_t : unsigned char |
enum | __memory_order_modifier { __memory_order_mask , __memory_order_modifier_mask , __memory_order_hle_acquire , __memory_order_hle_release } |
enum | _Ios_Fmtflags { _S_boolalpha , _S_dec , _S_fixed , _S_hex , _S_internal , _S_left , _S_oct , _S_right , _S_scientific , _S_showbase , _S_showpoint , _S_showpos , _S_skipws , _S_unitbuf , _S_uppercase , _S_adjustfield , _S_basefield , _S_floatfield , _S_ios_fmtflags_end , _S_ios_fmtflags_max , _S_ios_fmtflags_min } |
enum | _Ios_Iostate { _S_goodbit , _S_badbit , _S_eofbit , _S_failbit , _S_ios_iostate_end , _S_ios_iostate_max , _S_ios_iostate_min } |
enum | _Ios_Openmode { _S_app , _S_ate , _S_bin , _S_in , _S_out , _S_trunc , _S_noreplace , _S_ios_openmode_end , _S_ios_openmode_max , _S_ios_openmode_min } |
enum | _Ios_Seekdir { _S_beg , _S_cur , _S_end , _S_ios_seekdir_end } |
enum | _Manager_operation { __get_type_info , __get_functor_ptr , __clone_functor , __destroy_functor } |
enum | _Rb_tree_color { _S_red , _S_black } |
enum class | align_val_t : size_t |
enum class | byte : unsigned char |
enum class | chars_format { scientific , fixed , hex , general } |
enum | codecvt_mode { consume_header , generate_header , little_endian } |
enum class | cv_status { no_timeout , timeout } |
enum class | endian { little , big , native } |
enum class | errc { address_family_not_supported , address_in_use , address_not_available , already_connected , argument_list_too_long , argument_out_of_domain , bad_address , bad_file_descriptor , broken_pipe , connection_aborted , connection_already_in_progress , connection_refused , connection_reset , cross_device_link , destination_address_required , device_or_resource_busy , directory_not_empty , executable_format_error , file_exists , file_too_large , filename_too_long , function_not_supported , host_unreachable , illegal_byte_sequence , inappropriate_io_control_operation , interrupted , invalid_argument , invalid_seek , io_error , is_a_directory , message_size , network_down , network_reset , network_unreachable , no_buffer_space , no_child_process , no_lock_available , no_message , no_protocol_option , no_space_on_device , no_such_device_or_address , no_such_device , no_such_file_or_directory , no_such_process , not_a_directory , not_a_socket , not_connected , not_enough_memory , operation_in_progress , operation_not_permitted , operation_not_supported , operation_would_block , permission_denied , protocol_not_supported , read_only_file_system , resource_deadlock_would_occur , resource_unavailable_try_again , result_out_of_range , timed_out , too_many_files_open_in_system , too_many_files_open , too_many_links , too_many_symbolic_link_levels , wrong_protocol_type } |
enum | float_denorm_style { denorm_indeterminate , denorm_absent , denorm_present } |
enum | float_round_style { round_indeterminate , round_toward_zero , round_to_nearest , round_toward_infinity , round_toward_neg_infinity } |
enum class | future_errc { future_already_retrieved , promise_already_satisfied , no_state , broken_promise } |
enum class | future_status { ready , timeout , deferred } |
enum class | io_errc { stream } |
enum class | launch { async , deferred } |
enum class | memory_order : int { relaxed , consume , acquire , release , acq_rel , seq_cst } |
enum class | pointer_safety { relaxed , preferred , strict } |
Functions | |
template<typename _CharT > | |
_CharT * | __add_grouping (_CharT *__s, _CharT __sep, const char *__gbeg, size_t __gsize, const _CharT *__first, const _CharT *__last) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp * | __addressof (_Tp &__r) noexcept |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __adjacent_find (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __adjust_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _Distance __holeIndex, _Distance __len, _Tp __value, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr void | __advance (_BidirectionalIterator &__i, _Distance __n, bidirectional_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr void | __advance (_InputIterator &__i, _Distance __n, input_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Distance > | |
void | __advance (_OutputIterator &, _Distance, output_iterator_tag)=delete |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr void | __advance (_RandomAccessIterator &__i, _Distance __n, random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr void | __alloc_on_copy (_Alloc &__one, const _Alloc &__two) |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr _Alloc | __alloc_on_copy (const _Alloc &__a) |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr void | __alloc_on_move (_Alloc &__one, _Alloc &__two) |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr void | __alloc_on_swap (_Alloc &__one, _Alloc &__two) |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp = __default_lock_policy, typename _Alloc , typename... _Args> | |
__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > | __allocate_shared (const _Alloc &__a, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Fn , typename _Tuple , size_t... _Idx> | |
constexpr decltype(auto) | __apply_impl (_Fn &&__f, _Tuple &&__t, index_sequence< _Idx... >) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __atomic_notify_address (const _Tp *__addr, bool __all) noexcept |
void | __atomic_notify_address_bare (const __detail::__platform_wait_t *__addr, bool __all) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Pred > | |
void | __atomic_wait_address (const _Tp *__addr, _Pred __pred) noexcept |
template<typename _Pred > | |
void | __atomic_wait_address_bare (const __detail::__platform_wait_t *__addr, _Pred __pred) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Pred , typename _Rep , typename _Period > | |
bool | __atomic_wait_address_for (const _Tp *__addr, _Pred __pred, const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime) noexcept |
template<typename _Pred , typename _Rep , typename _Period > | |
bool | __atomic_wait_address_for_bare (const __detail::__platform_wait_t *__addr, _Pred __pred, const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _ValFn , typename _Rep , typename _Period > | |
bool | __atomic_wait_address_for_v (const _Tp *__addr, _Tp &&__old, _ValFn &&__vfn, const chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period > &__rtime) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Pred , typename _Clock , typename _Dur > | |
bool | __atomic_wait_address_until (const _Tp *__addr, _Pred __pred, const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Dur > &__atime) noexcept |
template<typename _Pred , typename _Clock , typename _Dur > | |
bool | __atomic_wait_address_until_bare (const __detail::__platform_wait_t *__addr, _Pred __pred, const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Dur > &__atime) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _ValFn , typename _Clock , typename _Dur > | |
bool | __atomic_wait_address_until_v (const _Tp *__addr, _Tp &&__old, _ValFn &&__vfn, const chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Dur > &__atime) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _ValFn > | |
void | __atomic_wait_address_v (const _Tp *__addr, _Tp __old, _ValFn __vfn) noexcept |
template<typename _Facet > | |
const _Facet & | __check_facet (const _Facet *__f) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __chunk_insertion_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Distance __chunk_size, _Compare __comp) |
constexpr memory_order | __cmpexch_failure_order (memory_order __m) noexcept |
constexpr memory_order | __cmpexch_failure_order2 (memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | __complex_abs (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_acos (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_acosh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | __complex_arg (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_asin (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_asinh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_atan (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_atanh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_cos (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_cosh (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_exp (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_log (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_pow (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_pow_unsigned (complex< _Tp > __x, unsigned __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | __complex_proj (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_sin (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_sinh (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_sqrt (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_tan (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | __complex_tanh (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
int | __convert_from_v (const __c_locale &__cloc, char *__out, const int __size, const char *__fmt,...) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __convert_to_v (const char *, _Tp &, ios_base::iostate &, const __c_locale &) throw () |
template<> | |
void | __convert_to_v (const char *, double &, ios_base::iostate &, const __c_locale &) throw () |
template<> | |
void | __convert_to_v (const char *, float &, ios_base::iostate &, const __c_locale &) throw () |
template<> | |
void | __convert_to_v (const char *, long double &, ios_base::iostate &, const __c_locale &) throw () |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _OI > | |
constexpr _OI | __copy_move_a (_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _Ite , typename _Seq , typename _Cat > | |
__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > | __copy_move_a (_II, _II, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _IIte , typename _ISeq , typename _ICat , typename _OIte , typename _OSeq , typename _OCat > | |
::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _OIte, _OSeq, _OCat > | __copy_move_a (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _IIte, _ISeq, _ICat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _IIte, _ISeq, _ICat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _OIte, _OSeq, _OCat > &) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _Ite , typename _Seq , typename _Cat , typename _OI > | |
_OI | __copy_move_a (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &, _OI) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _ITp , typename _IRef , typename _IPtr , typename _OTp > | |
::_Deque_iterator< _OTp, _OTp &, _OTp * > | __copy_move_a1 (::_Deque_iterator< _ITp, _IRef, _IPtr > __first, ::_Deque_iterator< _ITp, _IRef, _IPtr > __last, ::_Deque_iterator< _OTp, _OTp &, _OTp * > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _OI > | |
_OI | __copy_move_a1 (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __first, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_random_access_iter< _II >::__value, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Tp &, _Tp * > >::__type | __copy_move_a1 (_II __first, _II __last, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Tp &, _Tp * > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _OI > | |
constexpr _OI | __copy_move_a1 (_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > > >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (_CharT *, _CharT *, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > >) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (_CharT *__first, _CharT *__last, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _OI > | |
constexpr _OI | __copy_move_a2 (_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > > >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (const _CharT *, const _CharT *, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > >) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (const _CharT *__first, const _CharT *__last, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, _CharT * >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __first, istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __last, _CharT *__result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ::_Deque_iterator< _CharT, _CharT &, _CharT * > >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > > __first, istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > > __last, ::_Deque_iterator< _CharT, _CharT &, _CharT * > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, _CharT * >::__type | __copy_move_a2 (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > >, istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > >, _CharT *) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _OI > | |
constexpr _OI | __copy_move_backward_a (_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _Ite , typename _Seq , typename _Cat > | |
__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > | __copy_move_backward_a (_II, _II, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _IIte , typename _ISeq , typename _ICat , typename _OIte , typename _OSeq , typename _OCat > | |
::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _OIte, _OSeq, _OCat > | __copy_move_backward_a (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _IIte, _ISeq, _ICat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _IIte, _ISeq, _ICat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _OIte, _OSeq, _OCat > &) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _Ite , typename _Seq , typename _Cat , typename _OI > | |
_OI | __copy_move_backward_a (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &, _OI) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _ITp , typename _IRef , typename _IPtr , typename _OTp > | |
::_Deque_iterator< _OTp, _OTp &, _OTp * > | __copy_move_backward_a1 (::_Deque_iterator< _ITp, _IRef, _IPtr > __first, ::_Deque_iterator< _ITp, _IRef, _IPtr > __last, ::_Deque_iterator< _OTp, _OTp &, _OTp * > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _OI > | |
_OI | __copy_move_backward_a1 (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __first, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _BI1 , typename _BI2 > | |
constexpr _BI2 | __copy_move_backward_a1 (_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _II , typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_random_access_iter< _II >::__value, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Tp &, _Tp * > >::__type | __copy_move_backward_a1 (_II __first, _II __last, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Tp &, _Tp * > __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _BI1 , typename _BI2 > | |
constexpr _BI2 | __copy_move_backward_a2 (_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _OI > | |
_OI | __copy_move_backward_dit (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __first, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __last, _OI __result) |
template<bool _IsMove, typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _OI > | |
_OI | __copy_move_dit (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __first, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __last, _OI __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __copy_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, input_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Size , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __copy_n (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __copy_n_a (_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result, bool) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Size > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, _CharT * >::__type | __copy_n_a (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __it, _Size __n, _CharT *__result, bool __strict) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Size > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ::_Deque_iterator< _CharT, _CharT &, _CharT * > >::__type | __copy_n_a (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > > __it, _Size __size, ::_Deque_iterator< _CharT, _CharT &, _CharT * > __result, bool __strict) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Size > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, _CharT * >::__type | __copy_n_a (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT > >, _Size, _CharT *, bool) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
streamsize | __copy_streambufs (basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits > *__sbin, basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits > *__sbout) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
streamsize | __copy_streambufs_eof (basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits > *, basic_streambuf< _CharT, _Traits > *, bool &) |
template<> | |
streamsize | __copy_streambufs_eof (basic_streambuf< char > *__sbin, basic_streambuf< char > *__sbout, bool &__ineof) |
template<> | |
streamsize | __copy_streambufs_eof (basic_streambuf< wchar_t > *__sbin, basic_streambuf< wchar_t > *__sbout, bool &__ineof) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::difference_type | __count_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Signature , typename _Fn , typename _Alloc = std::allocator<int>> | |
static shared_ptr< __future_base::_Task_state_base< _Signature > > | __create_task_state (_Fn &&__fn, const _Alloc &__a=_Alloc()) |
constexpr size_t | __deque_buf_size (size_t __size) |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::difference_type | __distance (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, input_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _OutputIterator > | |
void | __distance (_OutputIterator, _OutputIterator, output_iterator_tag)=delete |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _RandomAccessIterator >::difference_type | __distance (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _OutStr , typename _InChar , typename _Codecvt , typename _State , typename _Fn > | |
bool | __do_str_codecvt (const _InChar *__first, const _InChar *__last, _OutStr &__outstr, const _Codecvt &__cvt, _State &__state, size_t &__count, _Fn __fn) |
template<typename _Result_type , typename _Visitor , typename... _Variants> | |
constexpr decltype(auto) | __do_visit (_Visitor &&__visitor, _Variants &&... __variants) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | __equal4 (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | __equal4 (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | __equal_aux (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 , typename _Seq2 , typename _Cat2 > | |
bool | __equal_aux (_II1, _II1, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _II2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _Seq1 , typename _Cat1 , typename _II2 > | |
bool | __equal_aux (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _II1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _II1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, _II2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _Seq1 , typename _Cat1 , typename _II2 , typename _Seq2 , typename _Cat2 > | |
bool | __equal_aux (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _II1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _II1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _II2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _II > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_random_access_iter< _II >::__value, bool >::__type | __equal_aux1 (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __first1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __last1, _II __first2) |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Ref1 , typename _Ptr1 , typename _Tp2 , typename _Ref2 , typename _Ptr2 > | |
bool | __equal_aux1 (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref1, _Ptr1 > __first1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref1, _Ptr1 > __last1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp2, _Ref2, _Ptr2 > __first2) |
template<typename _II , typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_random_access_iter< _II >::__value, bool >::__type | __equal_aux1 (_II __first1, _II __last1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > __first2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | __equal_aux1 (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _II > | |
bool | __equal_dit (const ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > &__first1, const ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > &__last1, _II __first2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _CompareItTp , typename _CompareTpIt > | |
constexpr pair< _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator > | __equal_range (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _CompareItTp __comp_it_val, _CompareTpIt __comp_val_it) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up = _Tp> | |
constexpr _Tp | __exchange (_Tp &__obj, _Up &&__new_val) |
template<typename _FIte , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | __fill_a (_FIte __first, _FIte __last, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _Ite , typename _Seq , typename _Cat , typename _Tp > | |
void | __fill_a (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _Ite , typename _Cont , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | __fill_a1 (::__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator< _Ite, _Cont > __first, ::__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator< _Ite, _Cont > __last, const _Tp &__value) |
constexpr void | __fill_a1 (::_Bit_iterator, ::_Bit_iterator, const bool &) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<!__is_scalar< _Tp >::__value, void >::__type | __fill_a1 (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_scalar< _Tp >::__value, void >::__type | __fill_a1 (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_byte< _Tp >::__value, void >::__type | __fill_a1 (_Tp *__first, _Tp *__last, const _Tp &__c) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _VTp > | |
void | __fill_a1 (const ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Tp &, _Tp * > &__first, const ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp, _Tp &, _Tp * > &__last, const _VTp &__value) |
constexpr void | __fill_bvector (_Bit_type *__v, unsigned int __first, unsigned int __last, bool __x) noexcept |
constexpr void | __fill_bvector_n (_Bit_type *, size_t, bool) noexcept |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __fill_n_a (_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value, std::input_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __fill_n_a (_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value, std::output_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __fill_n_a (_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value, std::random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _Ite , typename _Seq , typename _Cat , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > | __fill_n_a (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, _Cat > &__first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value, std::input_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<!__is_scalar< _Tp >::__value, _OutputIterator >::__type | __fill_n_a1 (_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_scalar< _Tp >::__value, _OutputIterator >::__type | __fill_n_a1 (_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __final_insertion_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator1 , typename _BidirectionalIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _BidirectionalIterator1 | __find_end (_BidirectionalIterator1 __first1, _BidirectionalIterator1 __last1, _BidirectionalIterator2 __first2, _BidirectionalIterator2 __last2, bidirectional_iterator_tag, bidirectional_iterator_tag, _BinaryPredicate __comp) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator1 | __find_end (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, forward_iterator_tag, forward_iterator_tag, _BinaryPredicate __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | __find_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred, input_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _Iterator | __find_if (_Iterator __first, _Iterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | __find_if (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Predicate __pred, random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | __find_if_not (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | __find_if_not_n (_InputIterator __first, _Distance &__len, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr size_t | __find_uniq_type_in_pack () |
template<typename _EuclideanRingElement > | |
constexpr _EuclideanRingElement | __gcd (_EuclideanRingElement __m, _EuclideanRingElement __n) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _UniformRandomBitGenerator > | |
pair< _IntType, _IntType > | __gen_two_uniform_ints (_IntType __b0, _IntType __b1, _UniformRandomBitGenerator &&__g) |
template<size_t __i, typename _Head , typename... _Tail> | |
constexpr _Head & | __get_helper (_Tuple_impl< __i, _Head, _Tail... > &__t) noexcept |
template<size_t __i, typename _Head , typename... _Tail> | |
constexpr const _Head & | __get_helper (const _Tuple_impl< __i, _Head, _Tail... > &__t) noexcept |
template<size_t __i, typename... _Types> | |
__enable_if_t<(__i >=sizeof...(_Types))> | __get_helper (const tuple< _Types... > &)=delete |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __heap_select (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | __hypot3 (_Tp __x, _Tp __y, _Tp __z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
size_t | __iconv_adaptor (size_t(*__func)(iconv_t, _Tp, size_t *, char **, size_t *), iconv_t __cd, char **__inbuf, size_t *__inbytes, char **__outbuf, size_t *__outbytes) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | __includes (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Compare > | |
void | __inplace_merge (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
void | __inplace_stable_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __insertion_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _ValueT > | |
int | __int_to_char (_CharT *__bufend, _ValueT __v, const _CharT *__lit, ios_base::fmtflags __flags, bool __dec) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Size , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __introselect (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Size __depth_limit, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Size , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __introsort_loop (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Size __depth_limit, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up = typename __inv_unwrap<_Tp>::type> | |
constexpr _Up && | __invfwd (typename remove_reference< _Tp >::type &__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Callable , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr __invoke_result< _Callable, _Args... >::type | __invoke (_Callable &&__fn, _Args &&... __args) noexcept(__is_nothrow_invocable< _Callable, _Args... >::value) |
template<typename _Res , typename _MemFun , typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr _Res | __invoke_impl (__invoke_memfun_deref, _MemFun &&__f, _Tp &&__t, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Res , typename _MemFun , typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr _Res | __invoke_impl (__invoke_memfun_ref, _MemFun &&__f, _Tp &&__t, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Res , typename _MemPtr , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Res | __invoke_impl (__invoke_memobj_deref, _MemPtr &&__f, _Tp &&__t) |
template<typename _Res , typename _MemPtr , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Res | __invoke_impl (__invoke_memobj_ref, _MemPtr &&__f, _Tp &&__t) |
template<typename _Res , typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr _Res | __invoke_impl (__invoke_other, _Fn &&__f, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Res , typename _Callable , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr enable_if_t< is_invocable_r_v< _Res, _Callable, _Args... >, _Res > | __invoke_r (_Callable &&__fn, _Args &&... __args) noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_r_v< _Res, _Callable, _Args... >) |
constexpr bool | __is_constant_evaluated () noexcept |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr bool | __is_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _Compare __comp, _Distance __n) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr bool | __is_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _Distance __n) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr bool | __is_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | __is_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _Distance | __is_heap_until (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _Distance __n, _Compare &__comp) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | __is_permutation (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | __is_permutation (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __is_sorted_until (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
constexpr bool | __is_valid_cmpexch_failure_order (memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
void | __istream_extract (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &, _CharT *, streamsize) |
void | __istream_extract (istream &, char *, streamsize) |
template<typename _Iter > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _Iter >::iterator_category | __iterator_category (const _Iter &) |
template<typename _Fp > | |
constexpr _Fp | __lerp (_Fp __a, _Fp __b, _Fp __t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Ref , typename _Ptr , typename _Tp2 > | |
int | __lex_cmp_dit (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref, _Ptr > __first1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref, _Ptr > __last1, const _Tp2 *__first2, const _Tp2 *__last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _Ite2 , typename _Seq2 , typename _Cat2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &__first2, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &__last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _Iter2 , typename _Seq2 , typename _Cat2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (_II1, _II1, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &) |
template<typename _Ite1 , typename _Seq1 , typename _Cat1 , typename _II2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &__first1, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &__last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) |
template<typename _Ite1 , typename _Seq1 , typename _Cat1 , typename _Ite2 , typename _Seq2 , typename _Cat2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &__first1, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &__last1, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &__first2, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &__last2) |
template<typename _Iter1 , typename _Seq1 , typename _Cat1 , typename _II2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, _II2, _II2) |
template<typename _Iter1 , typename _Seq1 , typename _Cat1 , typename _Iter2 , typename _Seq2 , typename _Cat2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter1, _Seq1, _Cat1 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &, const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Iter2, _Seq2, _Cat2 > &) |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Ref1 , typename _Ptr1 , typename _Tp2 , typename _Ref2 , typename _Ptr2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux1 (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref1, _Ptr1 > __first1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref1, _Ptr1 > __last1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp2, _Ref2, _Ptr2 > __first2, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp2, _Ref2, _Ptr2 > __last2) |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Ref1 , typename _Ptr1 , typename _Tp2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux1 (::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref1, _Ptr1 > __first1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp1, _Ref1, _Ptr1 > __last1, _Tp2 *__first2, _Tp2 *__last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux1 (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , typename _Ref2 , typename _Ptr2 > | |
bool | __lexicographical_compare_aux1 (_Tp1 *__first1, _Tp1 *__last1, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp2, _Ref2, _Ptr2 > __first2, ::_Deque_iterator< _Tp2, _Ref2, _Ptr2 > __last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | __lexicographical_compare_impl (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2, _Compare __comp) |
constexpr int | __lg (int __n) |
constexpr long | __lg (long __n) |
constexpr long long | __lg (long long __n) |
constexpr unsigned | __lg (unsigned __n) |
constexpr unsigned long | __lg (unsigned long __n) |
constexpr unsigned long long | __lg (unsigned long long __n) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __lower_bound (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tuple , size_t... _Idx> | |
constexpr _Tp | __make_from_tuple_impl (_Tuple &&__t, index_sequence< _Idx... >) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __make_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare &__comp) |
template<typename _Iterator , typename _ReturnType = __conditional_t<__move_if_noexcept_cond <typename iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type>::value, _Iterator, move_iterator<_Iterator>>> | |
constexpr _ReturnType | __make_move_if_noexcept_iterator (_Iterator __i) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _ReturnType = __conditional_t<__move_if_noexcept_cond<_Tp>::value, const _Tp*, move_iterator<_Tp*>>> | |
constexpr _ReturnType | __make_move_if_noexcept_iterator (_Tp *__i) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< _Iterator > | __make_reverse_iterator (_Iterator __i) |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp = __default_lock_policy, typename... _Args> | |
__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > | __make_shared (_Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __max_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr int | __memcmp (const _Tp *__first1, const _Up *__first2, size_t __num) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __merge (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Distance , typename _Pointer , typename _Compare > | |
void | __merge_adaptive (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Distance __len1, _Distance __len2, _Pointer __buffer, _Distance __buffer_size, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator1 , typename _RandomAccessIterator2 , typename _Distance , typename _Compare > | |
void | __merge_sort_loop (_RandomAccessIterator1 __first, _RandomAccessIterator1 __last, _RandomAccessIterator2 __result, _Distance __step_size, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Pointer , typename _Compare > | |
void | __merge_sort_with_buffer (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Pointer __buffer, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Distance , typename _Compare > | |
void | __merge_without_buffer (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Distance __len1, _Distance __len2, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __min_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator > | __minmax_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr pair< _InputIterator1, _InputIterator2 > | __mismatch (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr pair< _InputIterator1, _InputIterator2 > | __mismatch (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr _Iterator | __miter_base (_Iterator __it) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr auto | __miter_base (move_iterator< _Iterator > __it) -> decltype(__miter_base(__it.base())) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr auto | __miter_base (reverse_iterator< _Iterator > __it) -> decltype(__make_reverse_iterator(__miter_base(__it.base()))) |
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __move_median_to_first (_Iterator __result, _Iterator __a, _Iterator __b, _Iterator __c, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
_OutputIterator | __move_merge (_InputIterator __first1, _InputIterator __last1, _InputIterator __first2, _InputIterator __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
void | __move_merge_adaptive (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator1 , typename _BidirectionalIterator2 , typename _BidirectionalIterator3 , typename _Compare > | |
void | __move_merge_adaptive_backward (_BidirectionalIterator1 __first1, _BidirectionalIterator1 __last1, _BidirectionalIterator2 __first2, _BidirectionalIterator2 __last2, _BidirectionalIterator3 __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | __next_permutation (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Iterator , typename _Container > | |
constexpr _Iterator | __niter_base (__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator< _Iterator, _Container > __it) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr _Iterator | __niter_base (_Iterator __it) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Ite , typename _Seq > | |
_Ite | __niter_base (const ::__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator< _Ite, _Seq, std::random_access_iterator_tag > &) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr auto | __niter_base (move_iterator< _Iterator > __it) -> decltype(make_move_iterator(__niter_base(__it.base()))) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr auto | __niter_base (reverse_iterator< _Iterator > __it) -> decltype(__make_reverse_iterator(__niter_base(__it.base()))) |
template<typename _From , typename _To > | |
constexpr _From | __niter_wrap (_From __from, _To __res) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr _Iterator | __niter_wrap (const _Iterator &, _Iterator __res) |
void | __once_proxy (void) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
void | __ostream_fill (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, streamsize __n) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __ostream_insert (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, const _CharT *__s, streamsize __n) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
void | __ostream_write (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, const _CharT *__s, streamsize __n) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __partial_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | __partial_sort_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __result_first, _RandomAccessIterator __result_last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _BidirectionalIterator | __partition (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Predicate __pred, bidirectional_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __partition (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred, forward_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __pop_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __result, _Compare &__comp) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | __prev_permutation (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Distance , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __push_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _Distance __holeIndex, _Distance __topIndex, _Tp __value, _Compare &__comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __remove_copy_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __remove_if (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Predicate , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __replace_copy_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Predicate __pred, const _Tp &__new_value) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
constexpr void | __reverse (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, bidirectional_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | __reverse (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
constexpr _BidirectionalIterator | __rotate (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last, bidirectional_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __rotate (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last, forward_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | __rotate (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle, _RandomAccessIterator __last, random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator1 , typename _BidirectionalIterator2 , typename _Distance > | |
_BidirectionalIterator1 | __rotate_adaptive (_BidirectionalIterator1 __first, _BidirectionalIterator1 __middle, _BidirectionalIterator1 __last, _Distance __len1, _Distance __len2, _BidirectionalIterator2 __buffer, _Distance __buffer_size) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Cat , typename _Size , typename _UniformRandomBitGenerator > | |
_OutputIterator | __sample (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, forward_iterator_tag, _OutputIterator __out, _Cat, _Size __n, _UniformRandomBitGenerator &&__g) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Size , typename _UniformRandomBitGenerator > | |
_RandomAccessIterator | __sample (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, input_iterator_tag, _RandomAccessIterator __out, random_access_iterator_tag, _Size __n, _UniformRandomBitGenerator &&__g) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator1 | __search (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __predicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Integer , typename _UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __search_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Integer __count, _UnaryPredicate __unary_pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Integer , typename _UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __search_n_aux (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Integer __count, _UnaryPredicate __unary_pred, std::forward_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIter , typename _Integer , typename _UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIter | __search_n_aux (_RandomAccessIter __first, _RandomAccessIter __last, _Integer __count, _UnaryPredicate __unary_pred, std::random_access_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __set_difference (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __set_intersection (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __set_symmetric_difference (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __set_union (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
constexpr long long | __size_to_integer (double __n) |
constexpr long long | __size_to_integer (float __n) |
constexpr int | __size_to_integer (int __n) |
constexpr long | __size_to_integer (long __n) |
constexpr long long | __size_to_integer (long double __n) |
constexpr long long | __size_to_integer (long long __n) |
constexpr unsigned | __size_to_integer (unsigned __n) |
constexpr unsigned long | __size_to_integer (unsigned long __n) |
constexpr unsigned long long | __size_to_integer (unsigned long long __n) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __sort_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare &__comp) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
_ForwardIterator | __stable_partition (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Pointer , typename _Predicate , typename _Distance > | |
_ForwardIterator | __stable_partition_adaptive (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred, _Distance __len, _Pointer __buffer, _Distance __buffer_size) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
void | __stable_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Pointer , typename _Distance , typename _Compare > | |
void | __stable_sort_adaptive (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Pointer __buffer, _Distance __buffer_size, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _State > | |
bool | __str_codecvt_in (const char *__first, const char *__last, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__outstr, const codecvt< _CharT, char, _State > &__cvt) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _State > | |
bool | __str_codecvt_in (const char *__first, const char *__last, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__outstr, const codecvt< _CharT, char, _State > &__cvt, _State &__state, size_t &__count) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _State > | |
bool | __str_codecvt_in_all (const char *__first, const char *__last, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__outstr, const codecvt< _CharT, char, _State > &__cvt) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _State > | |
bool | __str_codecvt_out (const _CharT *__first, const _CharT *__last, basic_string< char, _Traits, _Alloc > &__outstr, const codecvt< _CharT, char, _State > &__cvt) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _State > | |
bool | __str_codecvt_out (const _CharT *__first, const _CharT *__last, basic_string< char, _Traits, _Alloc > &__outstr, const codecvt< _CharT, char, _State > &__cvt, _State &__state, size_t &__count) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _State > | |
bool | __str_codecvt_out_all (const _CharT *__first, const _CharT *__last, basic_string< char, _Traits, _Alloc > &__outstr, const codecvt< _CharT, char, _State > &__cvt) |
constexpr size_t | __sv_check (size_t __size, size_t __pos, const char *__s) |
constexpr size_t | __sv_limit (size_t __size, size_t __pos, size_t __off) noexcept |
void | __terminate () noexcept |
void | __throw_bad_alloc (void) |
void | __throw_bad_any_cast () |
void | __throw_bad_array_new_length (void) |
void | __throw_bad_cast (void) |
void | __throw_bad_exception (void) |
void | __throw_bad_function_call () |
void | __throw_bad_optional_access () |
void | __throw_bad_typeid (void) |
void | __throw_bad_variant_access (bool __valueless) |
void | __throw_bad_variant_access (const char *__what) |
void | __throw_bad_weak_ptr () |
void | __throw_domain_error (const char *) |
void | __throw_future_error (int) |
void | __throw_invalid_argument (const char *) |
void | __throw_ios_failure (const char *) |
void | __throw_ios_failure (const char *, int) |
void | __throw_length_error (const char *) |
void | __throw_logic_error (const char *) |
void | __throw_out_of_range (const char *) |
void | __throw_out_of_range_fmt (const char *,...) |
void | __throw_overflow_error (const char *) |
void | __throw_range_error (const char *) |
void | __throw_runtime_error (const char *) |
void | __throw_system_error (int) |
void | __throw_underflow_error (const char *) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp * | __to_address (_Tp *__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _Ptr > | |
constexpr auto | __to_address (const _Ptr &__ptr) noexcept -> decltype(std::pointer_traits< _Ptr >::to_address(__ptr)) |
template<typename _Ptr , typename... _None> | |
constexpr auto | __to_address (const _Ptr &__ptr, _None...) noexcept |
template<bool _Move = false, typename _Tp , size_t... _Idx> | |
constexpr array< remove_cv_t< _Tp >, sizeof...(_Idx)> | __to_array (_Tp(&__a)[sizeof...(_Idx)], index_sequence< _Idx... >) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__detail::__integer_to_chars_result_type< _Tp > | __to_chars_i (char *__first, char *__last, _Tp __value, int __base=10) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __unguarded_insertion_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | __unguarded_linear_insert (_RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | __unguarded_partition (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __pivot, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | __unguarded_partition_pivot (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Pointer , typename _ForwardIterator > | |
void | __uninitialized_construct_buf (_Pointer __first, _Pointer __last, _ForwardIterator __seed) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __unique (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __unique_copy (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred, forward_iterator_tag, output_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ForwardIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __unique_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred, input_iterator_tag, forward_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | __unique_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred, input_iterator_tag, output_iterator_tag) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | __upper_bound (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __k) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s1, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __s2) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __e, _Array< size_t > __f, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (_Array< _Tp > __src, size_t __n, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __dst, _Array< size_t > __j) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __a) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, _Tp *__restrict__ __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, _Tp *__restrict__ __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, size_t __n, _Tp *__restrict__ __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, size_t __n, _Tp *__restrict__ __b, const size_t *__restrict__ __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Tp *__restrict__ __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __src, size_t __n, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, _Tp *__restrict__ __dst, const size_t *__restrict__ __j) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy (const _Tp *__restrict__ __src, size_t __n, size_t __s1, _Tp *__restrict__ __dst, size_t __s2) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __a) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (const _Tp *__b, const _Tp *__e, _Tp *__restrict__ __o) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, _Tp *__restrict__ __o, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_copy_construct (const _Tp *__restrict__ __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Tp *__restrict__ __o) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_default_construct (_Tp *__b, _Tp *__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_destroy_elements (_Tp *__b, _Tp *__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< bool > __m, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Tp *__restrict__ __a, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Tp *__restrict__ __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill (_Tp *__restrict__ __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | __valarray_fill_construct (_Tp *__b, _Tp *__e, const _Tp __t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp * | __valarray_get_storage (size_t) |
template<typename _Ta > | |
_Ta::value_type | __valarray_max (const _Ta &__a) |
template<typename _Ta > | |
_Ta::value_type | __valarray_min (const _Ta &__a) |
void | __valarray_release_memory (void *__p) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | __valarray_sum (const _Tp *__f, const _Tp *__l) |
template<template< typename > class _Trait, typename _Tp , typename _Up = _Tp> | |
constexpr _Up | __value_or (_Up __def=_Up()) noexcept |
template<typename... _Types, typename _Tp > | |
constexpr decltype(auto) | __variant_cast (_Tp &&__rhs) |
bool | __verify_grouping (const char *__grouping, size_t __grouping_size, const string &__grouping_tmp) throw () |
template<typename _CharT , typename _OutIter > | |
_OutIter | __write (_OutIter __s, const _CharT *__ws, int __len) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > | __write (ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __s, const _CharT *__ws, int __len) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_and (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_or (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___bitwise_xor (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___divides (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___minus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___modulus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___multiplies (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___plus (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_left (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n, size_t __s) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< bool > __m, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, _Array< _Tp > __b, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, _Array< size_t > __i, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< bool > __m) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, _Array< _Tp > __b, _Array< size_t > __i) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __n, size_t __s, _Array< _Tp > __b) |
template<typename _Tp , class _Dom > | |
void | _Array_augmented___shift_right (_Array< _Tp > __a, size_t __s, const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e, size_t __n) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr void | _Construct (_Tp *__p, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _T1 > | |
void | _Construct_novalue (_T1 *__p) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr void | _Destroy (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Allocator > | |
constexpr void | _Destroy (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Allocator &__alloc) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | _Destroy (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, allocator< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | _Destroy (_Tp *__pointer) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Size > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | _Destroy_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count) |
size_t | _Fnv_hash_bytes (const void *__ptr, size_t __len, size_t __seed) |
size_t | _Hash_bytes (const void *__ptr, size_t __len, size_t __seed) |
unsigned int | _Rb_tree_black_count (const _Rb_tree_node_base *__node, const _Rb_tree_node_base *__root) throw () |
_Rb_tree_node_base * | _Rb_tree_decrement (_Rb_tree_node_base *__x) throw () |
const _Rb_tree_node_base * | _Rb_tree_decrement (const _Rb_tree_node_base *__x) throw () |
_Rb_tree_node_base * | _Rb_tree_increment (_Rb_tree_node_base *__x) throw () |
const _Rb_tree_node_base * | _Rb_tree_increment (const _Rb_tree_node_base *__x) throw () |
void | _Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance (const bool __insert_left, _Rb_tree_node_base *__x, _Rb_tree_node_base *__p, _Rb_tree_node_base &__header) throw () |
_Rb_tree_node_base * | _Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase (_Rb_tree_node_base *const __z, _Rb_tree_node_base &__header) throw () |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Abs, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | abs (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | abs (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Abs, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | abs (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr double | abs (double __x) |
constexpr float | abs (float __x) |
long | abs (long __i) |
constexpr long double | abs (long double __x) |
long long | abs (long long __x) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | accumulate (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _Tp | accumulate (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | acos (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Acos, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | acos (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | acos (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Acos, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | acos (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | acos (float __x) |
constexpr long double | acos (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | acosh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp * | addressof (_Tp &__r) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
const _Tp * | addressof (const _Tp &&)=delete |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | adjacent_difference (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | adjacent_difference (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr _FIter | adjacent_find (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _FIter | adjacent_find (_FIter, _FIter, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | adjacent_find (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | adjacent_find (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Distance > | |
constexpr void | advance (_InputIterator &__i, _Distance __n) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Distance > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, void >::__type | advance (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > &__i, _Distance __n) |
void * | align (size_t __align, size_t __size, void *&__ptr, size_t &__space) noexcept |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | all_of (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | all_of (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _ValueType > | |
_ValueType | any_cast (const any &__any) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | any_of (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | any_of (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Fn , typename _Tuple > | |
constexpr decltype(auto) | apply (_Fn &&__f, _Tuple &&__t) noexcept(__unpack_std_tuple< is_nothrow_invocable, _Fn, _Tuple >) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | arg (_Tp __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | arg (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Up> | |
array (_Tp, _Up...) -> array< enable_if_t<(is_same_v< _Tp, _Up > &&...), _Tp >, 1+sizeof...(_Up)> | |
template<typename _Type , size_t _Extent> | |
span< const byte, _Extent==dynamic_extent ? dynamic_extent :_Extent *sizeof(_Type)> | as_bytes (span< _Type, _Extent > __sp) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr add_const_t< _Tp > & | as_const (_Tp &__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | as_const (const _Tp &&)=delete |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | asin (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Asin, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | asin (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | asin (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Asin, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | asin (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | asin (float __x) |
constexpr long double | asin (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | asinh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | assoc_laguerre (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, _Tp __x) |
float | assoc_laguerref (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, float __x) |
long double | assoc_laguerrel (unsigned int __n, unsigned int __m, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | assoc_legendre (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, _Tp __x) |
float | assoc_legendref (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, float __x) |
long double | assoc_legendrel (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, long double __x) |
template<size_t _Align, class _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp * | assume_aligned (_Tp *__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
future< __async_result_of< _Fn, _Args... > > | async (_Fn &&__fn, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
future< __async_result_of< _Fn, _Args... > > | async (launch __policy, _Fn &&__fn, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | atan (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Atan, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | atan (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | atan (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Atan, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | atan (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | atan (float __x) |
constexpr long double | atan (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type | atan2 (_Tp __y, _Up __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename _Dom::value_type > | atan2 (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename _Dom::value_type > | atan2 (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename _Dom1::value_type > | atan2 (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__e1, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__e2) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | atan2 (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, _Tp > | atan2 (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, _Tp > | atan2 (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, _Tp > | atan2 (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Atan2, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | atan2 (const valarray< typename _Dom::valarray > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr float | atan2 (float __y, float __x) |
constexpr long double | atan2 (long double __y, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | atanh (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_strong (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_strong (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2, memory_order __m1, memory_order __m2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2, memory_order __m1, memory_order __m2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_weak (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_weak (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2, memory_order __m1, memory_order __m2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > *__i1, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i2, memory_order __m1, memory_order __m2) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_exchange (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_exchange (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_exchange_explicit (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_exchange_explicit (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_add (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_add (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_add_explicit (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_add_explicit (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_and (__atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_and (volatile __atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_and_explicit (__atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_and_explicit (volatile __atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_or (__atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_or (volatile __atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_or_explicit (__atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_or_explicit (volatile __atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_sub (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_sub (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_sub_explicit (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_diff_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_xor (__atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_xor (volatile __atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (__atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (volatile __atomic_base< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
void | atomic_flag_clear (atomic_flag *__a) noexcept |
void | atomic_flag_clear (volatile atomic_flag *__a) noexcept |
void | atomic_flag_clear_explicit (atomic_flag *__a, memory_order __m) noexcept |
void | atomic_flag_clear_explicit (volatile atomic_flag *__a, memory_order __m) noexcept |
bool | atomic_flag_test_and_set (atomic_flag *__a) noexcept |
bool | atomic_flag_test_and_set (volatile atomic_flag *__a) noexcept |
bool | atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit (atomic_flag *__a, memory_order __m) noexcept |
bool | atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit (volatile atomic_flag *__a, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
void | atomic_init (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
void | atomic_init (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_is_lock_free (const atomic< _ITp > *__a) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
bool | atomic_is_lock_free (const volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_load (const atomic< _ITp > *__a) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_load (const volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_load_explicit (const atomic< _ITp > *__a, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
_ITp | atomic_load_explicit (const volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | atomic_notify_all (atomic< _Tp > *__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | atomic_notify_one (atomic< _Tp > *__a) noexcept |
void | atomic_signal_fence (memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
void | atomic_store (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
void | atomic_store (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
void | atomic_store_explicit (atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _ITp > | |
void | atomic_store_explicit (volatile atomic< _ITp > *__a, __atomic_val_t< _ITp > __i, memory_order __m) noexcept |
void | atomic_thread_fence (memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | atomic_wait (const atomic< _Tp > *__a, typename std::atomic< _Tp >::value_type __old) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | atomic_wait_explicit (const atomic< _Tp > *__a, typename std::atomic< _Tp >::value_type __old, std::memory_order __m) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr back_insert_iterator< _Container > | back_inserter (_Container &__x) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
basic_regex (_ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator, regex_constants::syntax_option_type={}) -> basic_regex< typename iterator_traits< _ForwardIterator >::value_type > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _CharT = typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type, typename _Allocator = allocator<_CharT>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
basic_string (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> basic_string< _CharT, char_traits< _CharT >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Allocator = allocator<_CharT>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
basic_string (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >, const _Allocator &=_Allocator()) -> basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Allocator = allocator<_CharT>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
basic_string (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >, typename basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator >::size_type, typename basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator >::size_type, const _Allocator &=_Allocator()) -> basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > | |
template<contiguous_iterator _It, sized_sentinel_for< _It > _End> | |
basic_string_view (_It, _End) -> basic_string_view< iter_value_t< _It >> | |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | begin (_Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.begin()) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr _Tp * | begin (_Tp(&__arr)[_Nm]) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | begin (const _Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.begin()) |
template<class _Tp > | |
const _Tp * | begin (const valarray< _Tp > &__va) noexcept |
template<class _Tp > | |
_Tp * | begin (valarray< _Tp > &__va) noexcept |
template<typename _Tpa , typename _Tpb > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpa, _Tpb >::__type | beta (_Tpa __a, _Tpb __b) |
float | betaf (float __a, float __b) |
long double | betal (long double __a, long double __b) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | binary_search (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | binary_search (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | binary_search (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | binary_search (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Func , typename... _BoundArgs> | |
constexpr _Bind_helper< __is_socketlike< _Func >::value, _Func, _BoundArgs... >::type | bind (_Func &&__f, _BoundArgs &&... __args) |
template<typename _Result , typename _Func , typename... _BoundArgs> | |
constexpr _Bindres_helper< _Result, _Func, _BoundArgs... >::type | bind (_Func &&__f, _BoundArgs &&... __args) |
template<typename _Operation , typename _Tp > | |
binder1st< _Operation > | bind1st (const _Operation &__fn, const _Tp &__x) |
template<typename _Operation , typename _Tp > | |
binder2nd< _Operation > | bind2nd (const _Operation &__fn, const _Tp &__x) |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr _Bind_front_t< _Fn, _Args... > | bind_front (_Fn &&__fn, _Args &&... __args) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v< _Bind_front_t< _Fn, _Args... >, int, _Fn, _Args... >) |
template<typename _To , typename _From > | |
constexpr _To | bit_cast (const _From &__from) noexcept requires(sizeof(_To) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp > | bit_ceil (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp > | bit_floor (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp > | bit_width (_Tp __x) noexcept |
ios_base & | boolalpha (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Callable , typename... _Args> | |
void | call_once (once_flag &__once, _Callable &&__f, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | cbegin (const _Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept(std::begin(__cont))) -> decltype(std::begin(__cont)) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | ceil (_Tp __x) |
constexpr float | ceil (float __x) |
constexpr long double | ceil (long double __x) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | cend (const _Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept(std::end(__cont))) -> decltype(std::end(__cont)) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | clamp (const _Tp &__val, const _Tp &__lo, const _Tp &__hi) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | clamp (const _Tp &__val, const _Tp &__lo, const _Tp &__hi, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | cmp_equal (_Tp __t, _Up __u) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | cmp_greater (_Tp __t, _Up __u) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | cmp_greater_equal (_Tp __t, _Up __u) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | cmp_less (_Tp __t, _Up __u) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | cmp_less_equal (_Tp __t, _Up __u) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | cmp_not_equal (_Tp __t, _Up __u) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | comp_ellint_1 (_Tp __k) |
float | comp_ellint_1f (float __k) |
long double | comp_ellint_1l (long double __k) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | comp_ellint_2 (_Tp __k) |
float | comp_ellint_2f (float __k) |
long double | comp_ellint_2l (long double __k) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpn > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpn >::__type | comp_ellint_3 (_Tp __k, _Tpn __nu) |
float | comp_ellint_3f (float __k, float __nu) |
long double | comp_ellint_3l (long double __k, long double __nu) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type > | conj (_Tp __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | conj (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp1 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > | const_pointer_cast (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__r) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr auto | construct_at (_Tp *__location, _Args &&... __args) noexcept(noexcept(::new((void *) 0) _Tp(std::declval< _Args >()...))) -> decltype(::new((void *) 0) _Tp(std::declval< _Args >()...)) |
template<typename _II , typename _OI > | |
constexpr _OI | copy (_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | copy (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > >::__type | copy (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __first, istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __last, ostreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __result) |
template<typename _BI1 , typename _BI2 > | |
constexpr _BI2 | copy_backward (_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) |
template<typename _BIter1 , typename _BIter2 > | |
constexpr _BIter2 | copy_backward (_BIter1, _BIter1, _BIter2) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _OIter | copy_if (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | copy_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Size , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | copy_n (_IIter, _Size, _OIter) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | copy_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | cos (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Cos, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | cos (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | cos (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Cos, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | cos (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | cos (float __x) |
constexpr long double | cos (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | cosh (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Cosh, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | cosh (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | cosh (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Cosh, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | cosh (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | cosh (float __x) |
constexpr long double | cosh (long double __x) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _IIter >::difference_type | count (_IIter, _IIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::difference_type | count (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _IIter >::difference_type | count_if (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::difference_type | count_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp, int > | countl_one (_Tp __x) noexcept |
constexpr _To int | countl_zero (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp, int > | countr_one (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp, int > | countr_zero (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | crbegin (const _Container &__cont) -> decltype(std::rbegin(__cont)) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | crend (const _Container &__cont) -> decltype(std::rend(__cont)) |
exception_ptr | current_exception () noexcept |
template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type | cyl_bessel_i (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) |
float | cyl_bessel_if (float __nu, float __x) |
long double | cyl_bessel_il (long double __nu, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type | cyl_bessel_j (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) |
float | cyl_bessel_jf (float __nu, float __x) |
long double | cyl_bessel_jl (long double __nu, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type | cyl_bessel_k (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) |
float | cyl_bessel_kf (float __nu, float __x) |
long double | cyl_bessel_kl (long double __nu, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tpnu , typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tpnu, _Tp >::__type | cyl_neumann (_Tpnu __nu, _Tp __x) |
float | cyl_neumannf (float __nu, float __x) |
long double | cyl_neumannl (long double __nu, long double __x) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | data (_Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept( -> decltype( |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr _Tp * | data (_Tp(&__array)[_Nm]) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | data (const _Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept( -> decltype( |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr const _Tp * | data (initializer_list< _Tp > __il) noexcept |
ios_base & | dec (ios_base &__base) |
void | declare_no_pointers (char *, size_t) |
void | declare_reachable (void *) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
auto | declval () noexcept -> decltype(__declval< _Tp >(0)) |
ios_base & | defaultfloat (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ValT = typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type, typename _Allocator = allocator<_ValT>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
deque (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> deque< _ValT, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr void | destroy (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | destroy_at (_Tp *__location) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Size > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | destroy_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count) |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::difference_type | distance (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) |
ldiv_t | div (long __i, long __j) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp1 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > | dynamic_pointer_cast (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__r) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpp >::__type | ellint_1 (_Tp __k, _Tpp __phi) |
float | ellint_1f (float __k, float __phi) |
long double | ellint_1l (long double __k, long double __phi) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Tpp >::__type | ellint_2 (_Tp __k, _Tpp __phi) |
float | ellint_2f (float __k, float __phi) |
long double | ellint_2l (long double __k, long double __phi) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tpn , typename _Tpp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote_3< _Tp, _Tpn, _Tpp >::__type | ellint_3 (_Tp __k, _Tpn __nu, _Tpp __phi) |
float | ellint_3f (float __k, float __nu, float __phi) |
long double | ellint_3l (long double __k, long double __nu, long double __phi) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | empty (const _Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept(__cont.empty())) -> decltype(__cont.empty()) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | empty (const _Tp(&)[_Nm]) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | empty (initializer_list< _Tp > __il) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | end (_Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.end()) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr _Tp * | end (_Tp(&__arr)[_Nm]) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | end (const _Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.end()) |
template<class _Tp > | |
const _Tp * | end (const valarray< _Tp > &__va) noexcept |
template<class _Tp > | |
_Tp * | end (valarray< _Tp > &__va) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | endl (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | ends (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | equal (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | equal (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | equal (_IIter1 __first1, _IIter1 __last1, _IIter2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | equal (_IIter1 __first1, _IIter1 __last1, _IIter2 __first2, _IIter2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 > | |
constexpr bool | equal (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr pair< _FIter, _FIter > | equal_range (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< _FIter, _FIter > | equal_range (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr pair< _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator > | equal_range (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator > | equal_range (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _Up > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::size_type | erase (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__cont, const _Up &__value) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Up > | |
deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase (deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, const _Up &__value) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Up > | |
forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase (forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, const _Up &__value) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Up > | |
list< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase (list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, const _Up &__value) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Up > | |
constexpr vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase (vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, const _Up &__value) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
list< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash , typename _CPred , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash , typename _CPred , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Hash , typename _CPred , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
unordered_multiset< _Key, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (unordered_multiset< _Key, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Hash , typename _CPred , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
unordered_set< _Key, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (unordered_set< _Key, _Hash, _CPred, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::size_type | erase_if (vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__cont, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up = _Tp> | |
constexpr _Tp | exchange (_Tp &__obj, _Up &&__new_val) noexcept(__and_< is_nothrow_move_constructible< _Tp >, is_nothrow_assignable< _Tp &, _Up >>::value) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | exclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | exclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | exp (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Exp, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | exp (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | exp (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Exp, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | exp (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | exp (float __x) |
constexpr long double | exp (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | expint (_Tp __x) |
float | expintf (float __x) |
long double | expintl (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | fabs (_Tp __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | fabs (const std::complex< _Tp > &__z) |
constexpr float | fabs (float __x) |
constexpr long double | fabs (long double __x) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | fill (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | fill (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _OI , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OI | fill_n (_OI __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _OIter , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OIter | fill_n (_OIter, _Size, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _IIter | find (_IIter, _IIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | find (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const _Tp &__val) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
__gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > >::__type | find (istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __first, istreambuf_iterator< _CharT > __last, const _CharT &__val) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 > | |
constexpr _FIter1 | find_end (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _FIter2) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _FIter1 | find_end (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _FIter2, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator1 | find_end (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator1 | find_end (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __comp) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 > | |
constexpr _FIter1 | find_first_of (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _FIter2) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _FIter1 | find_first_of (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _FIter2, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | find_first_of (_InputIterator __first1, _InputIterator __last1, _ForwardIterator __first2, _ForwardIterator __last2) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ForwardIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | find_first_of (_InputIterator __first1, _InputIterator __last1, _ForwardIterator __first2, _ForwardIterator __last2, _BinaryPredicate __comp) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _IIter | find_if (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | find_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _IIter | find_if_not (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | find_if_not (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
ios_base & | fixed (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | floor (_Tp __x) |
constexpr float | floor (float __x) |
constexpr long double | floor (long double __x) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | flush (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type | fmod (_Tp __x, _Up __y) |
constexpr float | fmod (float __x, float __y) |
constexpr long double | fmod (long double __x, long double __y) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Funct > | |
constexpr _Funct | for_each (_IIter, _IIter, _Funct) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Function > | |
constexpr _Function | for_each (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Function __f) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Function > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | for_each_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _Function __f) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp && | forward (typename std::remove_reference< _Tp >::type &&__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp && | forward (typename std::remove_reference< _Tp >::type &__t) noexcept |
template<typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr tuple< _Elements &&... > | forward_as_tuple (_Elements &&... __args) noexcept |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ValT = typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type, typename _Allocator = allocator<_ValT>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
forward_list (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> forward_list< _ValT, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | frexp (_Tp __x, int *__exp) |
float | frexp (float __x, int *__exp) |
long double | frexp (long double __x, int *__exp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__detail::__integer_from_chars_result_type< _Tp > | from_chars (const char *__first, const char *__last, _Tp &__value, int __base=10) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr front_insert_iterator< _Container > | front_inserter (_Container &__x) |
template<typename _Functor , typename _Signature = typename __function_guide_helper<decltype(&_Functor::operator())>::type> | |
function (_Functor) -> function< _Signature > | |
template<typename _Res , typename... _ArgTypes> | |
function (_Res(*)(_ArgTypes...)) -> function< _Res(_ArgTypes...)> | |
const error_category & | future_category () noexcept |
template<typename _Mn , typename _Nn > | |
constexpr common_type_t< _Mn, _Nn > | gcd (_Mn __m, _Nn __n) noexcept |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Generator > | |
constexpr void | generate (_FIter, _FIter, _Generator) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Generator > | |
constexpr void | generate (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Generator __gen) |
template<typename _RealType , size_t __bits, typename _UniformRandomNumberGenerator > | |
_RealType | generate_canonical (_UniformRandomNumberGenerator &__g) |
template<typename _OIter , typename _Size , typename _Generator > | |
constexpr _OIter | generate_n (_OIter, _Size, _Generator) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Size , typename _Generator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | generate_n (_OutputIterator __first, _Size __n, _Generator __gen) |
const error_category & | generic_category () noexcept |
template<std::size_t _Int, typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr _Tp && | get (array< _Tp, _Nm > &&__arr) noexcept |
template<std::size_t _Int, typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr _Tp & | get (array< _Tp, _Nm > &__arr) noexcept |
template<std::size_t _Int, typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr const _Tp && | get (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &&__arr) noexcept |
template<std::size_t _Int, typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr const _Tp & | get (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__arr) noexcept |
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr const __tuple_element_t< __i, tuple< _Elements... > > && | get (const tuple< _Elements... > &&__t) noexcept |
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr const __tuple_element_t< __i, tuple< _Elements... > > & | get (const tuple< _Elements... > &__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr const _Tp && | get (const tuple< _Types... > &&__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr const _Tp & | get (const tuple< _Types... > &__t) noexcept |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > const && | get (const variant< _Types... > &&) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr const _Tp && | get (const variant< _Types... > &&__v) |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > && | get (const variant< _Types... > &&__v) |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > const & | get (const variant< _Types... > &) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr const _Tp & | get (const variant< _Types... > &__v) |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr const variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > & | get (const variant< _Types... > &__v) |
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr __tuple_element_t< __i, tuple< _Elements... > > && | get (tuple< _Elements... > &&__t) noexcept |
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr __tuple_element_t< __i, tuple< _Elements... > > & | get (tuple< _Elements... > &__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr _Tp && | get (tuple< _Types... > &&__t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr _Tp & | get (tuple< _Types... > &__t) noexcept |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > && | get (variant< _Types... > &&) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr _Tp && | get (variant< _Types... > &&__v) |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > & | get (variant< _Types... > &) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr _Tp & | get (variant< _Types... > &__v) |
Catalogs & | get_catalogs () |
template<typename _Del , typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
_Del * | get_deleter (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__p) noexcept |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr add_pointer_t< const variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > > | get_if (const variant< _Types... > *__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr add_pointer_t< const _Tp > | get_if (const variant< _Types... > *__ptr) noexcept |
template<size_t _Np, typename... _Types> | |
constexpr add_pointer_t< variant_alternative_t< _Np, variant< _Types... > > > | get_if (variant< _Types... > *__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr add_pointer_t< _Tp > | get_if (variant< _Types... > *__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _MoneyT > | |
_Get_money< _MoneyT > | get_money (_MoneyT &__mon, bool __intl=false) |
new_handler | get_new_handler () noexcept |
pointer_safety | get_pointer_safety () noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
pair< _Tp *, ptrdiff_t > | get_temporary_buffer (ptrdiff_t __len) noexcept |
terminate_handler | get_terminate () noexcept |
template<typename _CharT > | |
_Get_time< _CharT > | get_time (std::tm *__tmb, const _CharT *__fmt) |
unexpected_handler | get_unexpected () noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | getline (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &&__is, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__str) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | getline (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &&__is, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__str, _CharT __delim) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | getline (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__str) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | getline (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__str, _CharT __delim) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | getline (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__str) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | getline (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__str, _CharT __delim) |
template<> | |
basic_istream< char > & | getline (basic_istream< char > &__in, basic_string< char > &__str, char __delim) |
template<> | |
basic_istream< wchar_t > & | getline (basic_istream< wchar_t > &__in, basic_string< wchar_t > &__str, wchar_t __delim) |
template<typename _Facet > | |
bool | has_facet (const locale &__loc) throw () |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp, bool > | has_single_bit (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | hermite (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) |
float | hermitef (unsigned int __n, float __x) |
long double | hermitel (unsigned int __n, long double __x) |
ios_base & | hex (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | hexfloat (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | holds_alternative (const variant< _Types... > &__v) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up , typename _Vp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promoted_t< _Tp, _Up, _Vp > | hypot (_Tp __x, _Up __y, _Vp __z) |
double | hypot (double __x, double __y, double __z) |
float | hypot (float __x, float __y, float __z) |
long double | hypot (long double __x, long double __y, long double __z) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | imag (_Tp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | imag (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _Up , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | in_range (_Tp __t) noexcept |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 > | |
constexpr bool | includes (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | includes (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 > | |
constexpr bool | includes (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | includes (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | inclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | inclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | inclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | inner_product (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation1 , typename _BinaryOperation2 > | |
constexpr _Tp | inner_product (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1, _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
void | inplace_merge (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Compare > | |
void | inplace_merge (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __middle, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BIter > | |
void | inplace_merge (_BIter, _BIter, _BIter) |
template<typename _BIter , typename _Compare > | |
void | inplace_merge (_BIter, _BIter, _BIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr insert_iterator< _Container > | inserter (_Container &__x, std::__detail::__range_iter_t< _Container > __i) |
ios_base & | internal (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Callable , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr invoke_result_t< _Callable, _Args... > | invoke (_Callable &&__fn, _Args &&... __args) noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable_v< _Callable, _Args... >) |
const error_category & | iostream_category () noexcept |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | iota (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Tp __value) |
constexpr bool | is_constant_evaluated () noexcept |
template<typename _S1 , typename _S2 , typename _M1 , typename _M2 > | |
constexpr bool | is_corresponding_member (_M1 _S1::*__m1, _M2 _S2::*__m2) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_eq (partial_ordering __cmp) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_gt (partial_ordering __cmp) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_gteq (partial_ordering __cmp) noexcept |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr bool | is_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | is_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr bool | is_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | is_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr _RAIter | is_heap_until (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RAIter | is_heap_until (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | is_heap_until (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | is_heap_until (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
constexpr bool | is_lt (partial_ordering __cmp) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_lteq (partial_ordering __cmp) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_neq (partial_ordering __cmp) noexcept |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | is_partitioned (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | is_partitioned (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 > | |
constexpr bool | is_permutation (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | is_permutation (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 > | |
constexpr bool | is_permutation (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | is_permutation (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __pred) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 > | |
constexpr bool | is_permutation (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr bool | is_permutation (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Mem > | |
constexpr bool | is_pointer_interconvertible_with_class (_Mem _Tp::*__mp) noexcept |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr bool | is_sorted (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | is_sorted (_FIter, _FIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr bool | is_sorted (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | is_sorted (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr _FIter | is_sorted_until (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _FIter | is_sorted_until (_FIter, _FIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | is_sorted_until (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | is_sorted_until (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isalnum (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isalpha (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isblank (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | iscntrl (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isdigit (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isgraph (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | islower (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isprint (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | ispunct (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isspace (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isupper (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
bool | isxdigit (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 > | |
constexpr void | iter_swap (_FIter1, _FIter2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 > | |
constexpr void | iter_swap (_ForwardIterator1 __a, _ForwardIterator2 __b) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp | kill_dependency (_Tp __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | laguerre (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) |
float | laguerref (unsigned int __n, float __x) |
long double | laguerrel (unsigned int __n, long double __x) |
template<typename _Ret , typename... _Args> | |
void | launder (_Ret(*)(_Args...))=delete |
template<typename _Ret , typename... _Args> | |
void | launder (_Ret(*)(_Args......))=delete |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp * | launder (_Tp *__p) noexcept |
void | launder (const void *)=delete |
void | launder (const volatile void *)=delete |
void | launder (void *)=delete |
void | launder (volatile void *)=delete |
template<typename _Mn , typename _Nn > | |
constexpr common_type_t< _Mn, _Nn > | lcm (_Mn __m, _Nn __n) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | ldexp (_Tp __x, int __exp) |
constexpr float | ldexp (float __x, int __exp) |
constexpr long double | ldexp (long double __x, int __exp) |
ios_base & | left (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | legendre (unsigned int __l, _Tp __x) |
float | legendref (unsigned int __l, float __x) |
long double | legendrel (unsigned int __l, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up , typename _Vp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promoted_t< _Tp, _Up, _Vp > | lerp (_Tp __x, _Up __y, _Vp __z) noexcept |
constexpr double | lerp (double __a, double __b, double __t) noexcept |
constexpr float | lerp (float __a, float __b, float __t) noexcept |
constexpr long double | lerp (long double __a, long double __b, long double __t) noexcept |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 > | |
constexpr bool | lexicographical_compare (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2) |
template<typename _II1 , typename _II2 , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | lexicographical_compare (_II1 __first1, _II1 __last1, _II2 __first2, _II2 __last2, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 > | |
constexpr bool | lexicographical_compare (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | lexicographical_compare (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ValT = typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type, typename _Allocator = allocator<_ValT>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
list (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> list< _ValT, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _L1 , typename _L2 , typename... _L3> | |
void | lock (_L1 &__l1, _L2 &__l2, _L3 &... __l3) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | log (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Log, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | log (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | log (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Log, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | log (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | log (float __x) |
constexpr long double | log (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | log10 (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Log10, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | log10 (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | log10 (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Log10, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | log10 (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | log10 (float __x) |
constexpr long double | log10 (long double __x) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _FIter | lower_bound (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _FIter | lower_bound (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | lower_bound (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | lower_bound (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
enable_if_t< is_constructible_v< any, in_place_type_t< _Tp >, _Args... >, any > | make_any (_Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up , typename... _Args> | |
enable_if_t< is_constructible_v< any, in_place_type_t< _Tp >, initializer_list< _Up > &, _Args... >, any > | make_any (initializer_list< _Up > __il, _Args &&... __args) |
error_code | make_error_code (future_errc __errc) noexcept |
error_code | make_error_code (io_errc __e) noexcept |
error_condition | make_error_condition (future_errc __errc) noexcept |
error_condition | make_error_condition (io_errc __e) noexcept |
template<typename _Ex > | |
exception_ptr | make_exception_ptr (_Ex __ex) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tuple > | |
constexpr _Tp | make_from_tuple (_Tuple &&__t) noexcept(__unpack_std_tuple< is_nothrow_constructible, _Tp, _Tuple >) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | make_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | make_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | make_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | make_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr move_iterator< _Iterator > | make_move_iterator (_Iterator __i) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr _Tp | make_obj_using_allocator (const _Alloc &__a, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr enable_if_t< is_constructible_v< _Tp, _Args... >, optional< _Tp > > | make_optional (_Args &&... __args) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v< _Tp, _Args... >) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr enable_if_t< is_constructible_v< decay_t< _Tp >, _Tp >, optional< decay_t< _Tp > > > | make_optional (_Tp &&__t) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v< optional< decay_t< _Tp >>, _Tp >) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr enable_if_t< is_constructible_v< _Tp, initializer_list< _Up > &, _Args... >, optional< _Tp > > | make_optional (initializer_list< _Up > __il, _Args &&... __args) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v< _Tp, initializer_list< _Up > &, _Args... >) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< _Iterator > | make_reverse_iterator (_Iterator __i) |
template<typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr tuple< typename __decay_and_strip< _Elements >::__type... > | make_tuple (_Elements &&... __args) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
map (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator) -> map< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, less< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Compare = less<__iter_key_t<_InputIterator>>, typename _Allocator = allocator<__iter_to_alloc_t<_InputIterator>>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
map (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> map< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
map (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, _Allocator) -> map< _Key, _Tp, less< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare = less<_Key>, typename _Allocator = allocator<pair<const _Key, _Tp>>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
map (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | max (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | max (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | max (initializer_list< _Tp >) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _Tp | max (initializer_list< _Tp >, _Compare) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr _FIter | max_element (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _FIter | max_element (_FIter, _FIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | max_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | max_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Class > | |
constexpr _Mem_fn< _Tp _Class::* > | mem_fn (_Tp _Class::*__pm) noexcept |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp > | |
const_mem_fun_t< _Ret, _Tp > | mem_fun (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)() const) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp > | |
mem_fun_t< _Ret, _Tp > | mem_fun (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)()) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp , typename _Arg > | |
const_mem_fun1_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > | mem_fun (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp , typename _Arg > | |
mem_fun1_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > | mem_fun (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp > | |
const_mem_fun_ref_t< _Ret, _Tp > | mem_fun_ref (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)() const) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp > | |
mem_fun_ref_t< _Ret, _Tp > | mem_fun_ref (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)()) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp , typename _Arg > | |
const_mem_fun1_ref_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > | mem_fun_ref (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const) |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Tp , typename _Arg > | |
mem_fun1_ref_t< _Ret, _Tp, _Arg > | mem_fun_ref (_Ret(_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)) |
void * | memchr (void *__s, int __c, size_t __n) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | merge (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OIter | merge (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | merge (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | merge (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr enable_if_t< is_object_v< _Tp >, _Tp * > | midpoint (_Tp *__a, _Tp *__b) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr enable_if_t< __and_v< is_arithmetic< _Tp >, is_same< remove_cv_t< _Tp >, _Tp >, __not_< is_same< _Tp, bool > > >, _Tp > | midpoint (_Tp __a, _Tp __b) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | min (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | min (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | min (initializer_list< _Tp >) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _Tp | min (initializer_list< _Tp >, _Compare) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr _FIter | min_element (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _FIter | min_element (_FIter, _FIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | min_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | min_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr pair< const _Tp &, const _Tp & > | minmax (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< const _Tp &, const _Tp & > | minmax (const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr pair< _Tp, _Tp > | minmax (initializer_list< _Tp >) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< _Tp, _Tp > | minmax (initializer_list< _Tp >, _Compare) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr pair< _FIter, _FIter > | minmax_element (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< _FIter, _FIter > | minmax_element (_FIter, _FIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr pair< _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator > | minmax_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr pair< _ForwardIterator, _ForwardIterator > | minmax_element (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 > | |
constexpr pair< _IIter1, _IIter2 > | mismatch (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr pair< _IIter1, _IIter2 > | mismatch (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 > | |
constexpr pair< _InputIterator1, _InputIterator2 > | mismatch (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr pair< _InputIterator1, _InputIterator2 > | mismatch (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 > | |
constexpr pair< _InputIterator1, _InputIterator2 > | mismatch (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr pair< _InputIterator1, _InputIterator2 > | mismatch (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
float | modf (float __x, float *__iptr) |
long double | modf (long double __x, long double *__iptr) |
template<typename _II , typename _OI > | |
constexpr _OI | move (_II __first, _II __last, _OI __result) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr std::remove_reference< _Tp >::type && | move (_Tp &&__t) noexcept |
template<typename _BI1 , typename _BI2 > | |
constexpr _BI2 | move_backward (_BI1 __first, _BI1 __last, _BI2 __result) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __conditional_t< __move_if_noexcept_cond< _Tp >::value, const _Tp &, _Tp && > | move_if_noexcept (_Tp &__x) noexcept |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multimap (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator) -> multimap< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, less< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Compare = less<__iter_key_t<_InputIterator>>, typename _Allocator = allocator<__iter_to_alloc_t<_InputIterator>>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multimap (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> multimap< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multimap (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, _Allocator) -> multimap< _Key, _Tp, less< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare = less<_Key>, typename _Allocator = allocator<pair<const _Key, _Tp>>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multimap (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multiset (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator) -> multiset< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, less< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Compare = less<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename _Allocator = allocator<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multiset (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> multiset< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multiset (initializer_list< _Key >, _Allocator) -> multiset< _Key, less< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare = less<_Key>, typename _Allocator = allocator<_Key>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
multiset (initializer_list< _Key >, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
constexpr _InputIterator | next (_InputIterator __x, typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::difference_type __n=1) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
constexpr bool | next_permutation (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | next_permutation (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BIter > | |
constexpr bool | next_permutation (_BIter, _BIter) |
template<typename _BIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | next_permutation (_BIter, _BIter, _Compare) |
ios_base & | noboolalpha (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | none_of (_IIter, _IIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr bool | none_of (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | norm (_Tp __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | norm (const complex< _Tp > &) |
ios_base & | noshowbase (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | noshowpoint (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | noshowpos (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | noskipws (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr unary_negate< _Predicate > | not1 (const _Predicate &__pred) |
template<typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr binary_negate< _Predicate > | not2 (const _Predicate &__pred) |
template<typename _Fn > | |
constexpr auto | not_fn (_Fn &&__fn) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< std::decay_t< _Fn >, _Fn && >::value) |
void | notify_all_at_thread_exit (condition_variable &, unique_lock< mutex >) |
ios_base & | nounitbuf (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | nouppercase (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | nth_element (_RAIter, _RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | nth_element (_RAIter, _RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | nth_element (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | nth_element (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __nth, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
ios_base & | oct (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (__type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, __type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator!= (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator!= (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__a, const __shared_ptr< _Tp2, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__not_equal_to, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__not_equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator!= (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__not_equal_to, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__not_equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator!= (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__not_equal_to, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__not_equal_to, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator!= (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator!= (const _Up &__lhs, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) -> __optional_ne_t< _Up, _Tp > |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) |
template<typename _StateT > | |
bool | operator!= (const fpos< _StateT > &__lhs, const fpos< _StateT > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Bi_iter , class _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__m1, const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__m2) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator!= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const _Up &__rhs) -> __optional_ne_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator!= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const optional< _Up > &__rhs) -> __optional_ne_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator!= (const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator!= (const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
bool | operator!= (const std::bernoulli_distribution &__d1, const std::bernoulli_distribution &__d2) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __p, size_t __r> | |
bool | operator!= (const std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > &__lhs, const std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > &__rhs) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::discrete_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::discrete_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __w, typename _UIntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > &__lhs, const std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > &__rhs) |
template<typename _UIntType , _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m> | |
bool | operator!= (const std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__lhs, const std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__rhs) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r, _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s, _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l, _UIntType __f> | |
bool | operator!= (const std::mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > &__lhs, const std::mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > &__rhs) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::normal_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::normal_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::poisson_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::poisson_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __k> | |
bool | operator!= (const std::shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k > &__lhs, const std::shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k > &__rhs) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::student_t_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::student_t_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r> | |
bool | operator!= (const std::subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r > &__lhs, const std::subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r > &__rhs) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _IntType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::uniform_real_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::uniform_real_distribution< _IntType > &__d2) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator!= (const std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const tuple< _TElements... > &__t, const tuple< _UElements... > &__u) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__not_equal_to, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__not_equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator!= (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __not_equal_to, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __not_equal_to, _Tp >::result_type > | operator!= (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp , typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
bool | operator!= (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, const unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
bool | operator!= (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __not_equal_to, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __not_equal_to, _Tp >::result_type > | operator!= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __not_equal_to, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __not_equal_to, _Tp >::result_type > | operator!= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__not_equal_to, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__not_equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator!= (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const variant< _Types... > &__lhs, const variant< _Types... > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator!= (const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
constexpr bool | operator!= (monostate, monostate) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator!= (nullopt_t, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator!= (nullptr_t, const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
bool | operator!= (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x) noexcept |
bool | operator!= (thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__modulus, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__modulus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator% (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__modulus, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__modulus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator% (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__modulus, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__modulus, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator% (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__modulus, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__modulus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator% (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __modulus, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __modulus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator% (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __modulus, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __modulus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator% (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __modulus, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __modulus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator% (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__modulus, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__modulus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator% (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr _Ios_Fmtflags | operator& (_Ios_Fmtflags __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) |
constexpr _Ios_Iostate | operator& (_Ios_Iostate __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) |
constexpr _Ios_Openmode | operator& (_Ios_Openmode __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) |
constexpr byte | operator& (byte __l, byte __r) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format | operator& (chars_format __lhs, chars_format __rhs) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_and, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator& (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_and, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator& (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_and, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_and, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator& (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_and, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator& (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_and, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_and, _Tp >::result_type > | operator& (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_and, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_and, _Tp >::result_type > | operator& (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_and, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_and, _Tp >::result_type > | operator& (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_and, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator& (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr launch | operator& (launch __x, launch __y) noexcept |
constexpr memory_order | operator& (memory_order __m, __memory_order_modifier __mod) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_and, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator&& (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_and, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator&& (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_and, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_and, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator&& (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_and, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator&& (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __logical_and, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __logical_and, _Tp >::result_type > | operator&& (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __logical_and, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __logical_and, _Tp >::result_type > | operator&& (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __logical_and, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __logical_and, _Tp >::result_type > | operator&& (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_and, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_and, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator&& (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
const _Ios_Fmtflags & | operator&= (_Ios_Fmtflags &__a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) |
const _Ios_Iostate & | operator&= (_Ios_Iostate &__a, _Ios_Iostate __b) |
const _Ios_Openmode & | operator&= (_Ios_Openmode &__a, _Ios_Openmode __b) |
constexpr byte & | operator&= (byte &__l, byte __r) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format & | operator&= (chars_format &__lhs, chars_format __rhs) noexcept |
launch & | operator&= (launch &__x, launch __y) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__multiplies, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__multiplies, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator* (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__multiplies, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__multiplies, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator* (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__multiplies, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__multiplies, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator* (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__multiplies, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__multiplies, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator* (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __multiplies, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __multiplies, _Tp >::result_type > | operator* (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __multiplies, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __multiplies, _Tp >::result_type > | operator* (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __multiplies, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __multiplies, _Tp >::result_type > | operator* (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__multiplies, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__multiplies, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator* (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (_CharT __lhs, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (_CharT __lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__lhs, _CharT __rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__lhs, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (const _CharT *__lhs, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__plus, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__plus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator+ (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__plus, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__plus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator+ (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__plus, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__plus, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator+ (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, _CharT __rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &&__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > | operator+ (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator+ (const complex< _Tp > &__x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__plus, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__plus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator+ (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __plus, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __plus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator+ (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __plus, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __plus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator+ (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __plus, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __plus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator+ (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__plus, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__plus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator+ (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr move_iterator< _Iterator > | operator+ (typename move_iterator< _Iterator >::difference_type __n, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< _Iterator > | operator+ (typename reverse_iterator< _Iterator >::difference_type __n, const reverse_iterator< _Iterator > &__x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__minus, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__minus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator- (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__minus, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__minus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator- (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__minus, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__minus, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator- (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator- (const complex< _Tp > &__x) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr auto | operator- (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) -> decltype(__x.base() - __y.base()) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr auto | operator- (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) -> decltype(__y.base() - __x.base()) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__minus, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__minus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator- (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __minus, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __minus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator- (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __minus, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __minus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator- (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __minus, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __minus, _Tp >::result_type > | operator- (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__minus, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__minus, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator- (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__divides, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__divides, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator/ (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__divides, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__divides, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator/ (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__divides, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__divides, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator/ (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__divides, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__divides, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator/ (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __divides, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __divides, _Tp >::result_type > | operator/ (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __divides, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __divides, _Tp >::result_type > | operator/ (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __divides, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __divides, _Tp >::result_type > | operator/ (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__divides, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__divides, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator/ (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (__type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, __type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator< (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, const __shared_ptr< _Up, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator< (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__less, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator< (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__less, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator< (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__less, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator< (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator< (const _Up &__lhs, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) -> __optional_lt_t< _Up, _Tp > |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__a, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__b) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const optional< _Tp > &, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator< (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const _Up &__rhs) -> __optional_lt_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator< (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const optional< _Up > &__rhs) -> __optional_lt_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator< (const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator< (const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const tuple< _TElements... > &__t, const tuple< _UElements... > &__u) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__less, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator< (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __less, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __less, _Tp >::result_type > | operator< (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp , typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator< (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, const unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator< (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, nullptr_t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __less, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __less, _Tp >::result_type > | operator< (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __less, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __less, _Tp >::result_type > | operator< (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__less, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator< (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | operator< (const variant< _Types... > &__lhs, const variant< _Types... > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator< (const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
constexpr bool | operator< (monostate, monostate) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator< (nullopt_t, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator< (nullptr_t, const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator< (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x) |
bool | operator< (thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Ostream , typename _Tp > | |
__rvalue_stream_insertion_t< _Ostream, _Tp > | operator<< (_Ostream &&__os, const _Tp &__x) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _MoneyT > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Put_money< _MoneyT > __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Put_time< _CharT > __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Resetiosflags __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Setbase __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Setfill< _CharT > __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Setiosflags __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Setprecision __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, _Setw __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __str) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__str) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__str) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _CharT , class _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const complex< _Tp > &__x) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, thread::id __id) |
template<typename _IntegerType > | |
constexpr __byte_op_t< _IntegerType > | operator<< (byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_left, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_left, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<< (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_left, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_left, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<< (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_left, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_left, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator<< (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_left, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_left, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<< (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __shift_left, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __shift_left, _Tp >::result_type > | operator<< (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __shift_left, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __shift_left, _Tp >::result_type > | operator<< (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __shift_left, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __shift_left, _Tp >::result_type > | operator<< (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_left, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_left, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<< (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &, const std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &, const std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType > &) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const chi_squared_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __p, size_t __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const discrete_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const fisher_f_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _UIntType , _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__lcr) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const lognormal_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r, _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s, _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l, _UIntType __f, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const normal_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const poisson_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __k, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k > &__x) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::bernoulli_distribution &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __w, typename _UIntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const student_t_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r > &__x) |
template<typename _IntegerType > | |
constexpr __byte_op_t< _IntegerType > & | operator<<= (byte &__b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (__type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, __type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator<= (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator<= (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__a, const __shared_ptr< _Tp2, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less_equal, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__less_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<= (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less_equal, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__less_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<= (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less_equal, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__less_equal, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator<= (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator<= (const _Up &__lhs, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) -> __optional_le_t< _Up, _Tp > |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator<= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const _Up &__rhs) -> __optional_le_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator<= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const optional< _Up > &__rhs) -> __optional_le_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator<= (const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator<= (const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const tuple< _TElements... > &__t, const tuple< _UElements... > &__u) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less_equal, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__less_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<= (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __less_equal, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __less_equal, _Tp >::result_type > | operator<= (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp , typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator<= (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, const unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator<= (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, nullptr_t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __less_equal, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __less_equal, _Tp >::result_type > | operator<= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __less_equal, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __less_equal, _Tp >::result_type > | operator<= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__less_equal, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__less_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator<= (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const variant< _Types... > &__lhs, const variant< _Types... > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator<= (const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
constexpr bool | operator<= (monostate, monostate) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator<= (nullopt_t, const optional< _Tp > &) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator<= (nullptr_t, const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator<= (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x) |
bool | operator<= (thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept |
template<three_way_comparable _Iterator> | |
constexpr compare_three_way_result_t< _Iterator, _Iterator > | operator<=> (const reverse_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , three_way_comparable_with< _IteratorL > _IteratorR> | |
constexpr compare_three_way_result_t< _IteratorL, _IteratorR > | operator<=> (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (__type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, __type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator== (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator== (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__a, const __shared_ptr< _Tp2, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__equal_to, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator== (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__equal_to, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator== (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__equal_to, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__equal_to, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator== (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator== (const _Up &__lhs, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) -> __optional_eq_t< _Up, _Tp > |
template<typename _T1 , typename _T2 > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const allocator< _T1 > &, const allocator< _T2 > &) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_char< _CharT >::__value, bool >::__type | operator== (const basic_string< _CharT > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) |
template<typename _StateT > | |
bool | operator== (const fpos< _StateT > &__lhs, const fpos< _StateT > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args> | |
bool | operator== (const function< _Res(_Args...)> &__f, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
bool | operator== (const istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, _Traits > &__a, const istreambuf_iterator< _CharT, _Traits > &__b) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__m1, const match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__m2) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator== (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const _Up &__rhs) -> __optional_eq_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator== (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const optional< _Up > &__rhs) -> __optional_eq_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator== (const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const reverse_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator== (const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _RealType > | |
bool | operator== (const std::normal_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::normal_distribution< _RealType > &__d2) |
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const tuple< _TElements... > &__t, const tuple< _UElements... > &__u) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__equal_to, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator== (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __equal_to, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __equal_to, _Tp >::result_type > | operator== (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp , typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator== (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, const unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator== (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, const unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, const unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, const unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
bool | operator== (const unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, const unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __equal_to, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __equal_to, _Tp >::result_type > | operator== (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __equal_to, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __equal_to, _Tp >::result_type > | operator== (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__equal_to, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__equal_to, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator== (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const variant< _Types... > &__lhs, const variant< _Types... > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
constexpr bool | operator== (monostate, monostate) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (nullopt_t, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator== (nullptr_t, const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
bool | operator== (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x) noexcept |
bool | operator== (thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (__type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, __type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator> (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator> (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__a, const __shared_ptr< _Tp2, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator> (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator> (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator> (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator> (const _Up &__lhs, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) -> __optional_gt_t< _Up, _Tp > |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator> (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const _Up &__rhs) -> __optional_gt_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator> (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const optional< _Up > &__rhs) -> __optional_gt_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator> (const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator> (const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const tuple< _TElements... > &__t, const tuple< _UElements... > &__u) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator> (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __greater, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __greater, _Tp >::result_type > | operator> (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp , typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator> (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, const unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator> (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, nullptr_t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __greater, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __greater, _Tp >::result_type > | operator> (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __greater, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __greater, _Tp >::result_type > | operator> (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator> (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | operator> (const variant< _Types... > &__lhs, const variant< _Types... > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator> (const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
constexpr bool | operator> (monostate, monostate) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator> (nullopt_t, const optional< _Tp > &) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator> (nullptr_t, const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator> (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x) |
bool | operator> (thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (__type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, __type_identity_t< basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits >> __y) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __x, basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator>= (const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator>= (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__a, const __shared_ptr< _Tp2, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const _CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater_equal, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>= (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater_equal, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>= (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater_equal, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater_equal, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator>= (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator>= (const _Up &__lhs, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) -> __optional_ge_t< _Up, _Tp > |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, const array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const _CharT *__rhs) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Iterator > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__x, const move_iterator< _Iterator > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const move_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const move_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const optional< _Tp > &, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator>= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const _Up &__rhs) -> __optional_ge_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr auto | operator>= (const optional< _Tp > &__lhs, const optional< _Up > &__rhs) -> __optional_ge_t< _Tp, _Up > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator>= (const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename _IteratorL , typename _IteratorR > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const reverse_iterator< _IteratorL > &__x, const reverse_iterator< _IteratorR > &__y) requires requires |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, const set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
bool | operator>= (const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, const stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) |
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements> | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const tuple< _TElements... > &__t, const tuple< _UElements... > &__u) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater_equal, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>= (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __greater_equal, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __greater_equal, _Tp >::result_type > | operator>= (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp , typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator>= (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, const unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
_GLIBCXX23_CONSTEXPR bool | operator>= (const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x, nullptr_t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __greater_equal, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __greater_equal, _Tp >::result_type > | operator>= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __greater_equal, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __greater_equal, _Tp >::result_type > | operator>= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__greater_equal, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__greater_equal, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>= (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const variant< _Types... > &__lhs, const variant< _Types... > &__rhs) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
bool | operator>= (const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, const vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) |
constexpr bool | operator>= (monostate, monostate) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator>= (nullopt_t, const optional< _Tp > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
bool | operator>= (nullptr_t, const __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
bool | operator>= (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &__x) |
bool | operator>= (thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept |
template<typename _Istream , typename _Tp > | |
__rvalue_stream_extraction_t< _Istream, _Tp > | operator>> (_Istream &&__is, _Tp &&__x) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc , template< typename, typename, typename > class _Base> | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > &__str) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _MoneyT > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Get_money< _MoneyT > __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Get_time< _CharT > __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Resetiosflags __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Setbase __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Setfill< _CharT > __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Setiosflags __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Setprecision __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, _Setw __f) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__str) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _CharT , class _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, complex< _Tp > &__x) |
template<> | |
basic_istream< char > & | operator>> (basic_istream< char > &__is, basic_string< char > &__str) |
template<typename _IntegerType > | |
constexpr __byte_op_t< _IntegerType > | operator>> (byte __b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_right, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_right, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>> (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_right, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_right, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>> (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_right, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_right, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator>> (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_right, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_right, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>> (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __shift_right, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __shift_right, _Tp >::result_type > | operator>> (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __shift_right, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __shift_right, _Tp >::result_type > | operator>> (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __shift_right, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __shift_right, _Tp >::result_type > | operator>> (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__shift_right, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__shift_right, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator>> (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &, std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &, std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType > &) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, chi_squared_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __p, size_t __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, discrete_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, fisher_f_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _UIntType , _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__lcr) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, lognormal_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r, _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s, _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l, _UIntType __f, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, normal_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, poisson_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __k, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k > &__x) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::bernoulli_distribution &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, student_t_distribution< _RealType > &__x) |
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r, typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r > &__x) |
template<typename _IntegerType > | |
constexpr __byte_op_t< _IntegerType > & | operator>>= (byte &__b, _IntegerType __shift) noexcept |
constexpr _Ios_Fmtflags | operator^ (_Ios_Fmtflags __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) |
constexpr _Ios_Iostate | operator^ (_Ios_Iostate __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) |
constexpr _Ios_Openmode | operator^ (_Ios_Openmode __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) |
constexpr byte | operator^ (byte __l, byte __r) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format | operator^ (chars_format __lhs, chars_format __rhs) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_xor, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_xor, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator^ (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_xor, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_xor, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator^ (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_xor, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_xor, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator^ (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_xor, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_xor, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator^ (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_xor, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_xor, _Tp >::result_type > | operator^ (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_xor, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_xor, _Tp >::result_type > | operator^ (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_xor, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_xor, _Tp >::result_type > | operator^ (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_xor, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_xor, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator^ (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr launch | operator^ (launch __x, launch __y) noexcept |
const _Ios_Fmtflags & | operator^= (_Ios_Fmtflags &__a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) |
const _Ios_Iostate & | operator^= (_Ios_Iostate &__a, _Ios_Iostate __b) |
const _Ios_Openmode & | operator^= (_Ios_Openmode &__a, _Ios_Openmode __b) |
constexpr byte & | operator^= (byte &__l, byte __r) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format & | operator^= (chars_format &__lhs, chars_format __rhs) noexcept |
launch & | operator^= (launch &__x, launch __y) noexcept |
constexpr _Ios_Fmtflags | operator| (_Ios_Fmtflags __a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) |
constexpr _Ios_Iostate | operator| (_Ios_Iostate __a, _Ios_Iostate __b) |
constexpr _Ios_Openmode | operator| (_Ios_Openmode __a, _Ios_Openmode __b) |
constexpr byte | operator| (byte __l, byte __r) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format | operator| (chars_format __lhs, chars_format __rhs) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_or, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator| (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_or, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator| (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_or, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_or, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator| (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_or, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator| (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_or, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_or, _Tp >::result_type > | operator| (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_or, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_or, _Tp >::result_type > | operator| (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __bitwise_or, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __bitwise_or, _Tp >::result_type > | operator| (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__bitwise_or, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__bitwise_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator| (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr launch | operator| (launch __x, launch __y) noexcept |
constexpr memory_order | operator| (memory_order __m, __memory_order_modifier __mod) |
const _Ios_Fmtflags & | operator|= (_Ios_Fmtflags &__a, _Ios_Fmtflags __b) |
const _Ios_Iostate & | operator|= (_Ios_Iostate &__a, _Ios_Iostate __b) |
const _Ios_Openmode & | operator|= (_Ios_Openmode &__a, _Ios_Openmode __b) |
constexpr byte & | operator|= (byte &__l, byte __r) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format & | operator|= (chars_format &__lhs, chars_format __rhs) noexcept |
launch & | operator|= (launch &__x, launch __y) noexcept |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_or, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator|| (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_or, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator|| (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_or, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_or, typename _Dom1::value_type >::result_type > | operator|| (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_or, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator|| (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __logical_or, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __logical_or, _Tp >::result_type > | operator|| (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __logical_or, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __logical_or, _Tp >::result_type > | operator|| (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< __logical_or, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, typename __fun< __logical_or, _Tp >::result_type > | operator|| (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::__logical_or, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename __fun< struct std::__logical_or, typename _Dom::value_type >::result_type > | operator|| (const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr _Ios_Fmtflags | operator~ (_Ios_Fmtflags __a) |
constexpr _Ios_Iostate | operator~ (_Ios_Iostate __a) |
constexpr _Ios_Openmode | operator~ (_Ios_Openmode __a) |
constexpr byte | operator~ (byte __b) noexcept |
constexpr chars_format | operator~ (chars_format __fmt) noexcept |
constexpr launch | operator~ (launch __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
optional (_Tp) -> optional< _Tp > | |
template<typename _Fun , typename _Signature = typename __function_guide_helper<decltype(&_Fun::operator())>::type> | |
packaged_task (_Fun) -> packaged_task< _Signature > | |
template<typename _Res , typename... _ArgTypes> | |
packaged_task (_Res(*)(_ArgTypes...)) -> packaged_task< _Res(_ArgTypes...)> | |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | partial_sort (_RAIter, _RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | partial_sort (_RAIter, _RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | partial_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | partial_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __middle, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr _RAIter | partial_sort_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RAIter | partial_sort_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | partial_sort_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __result_first, _RandomAccessIterator __result_last) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _RandomAccessIterator | partial_sort_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _RandomAccessIterator __result_first, _RandomAccessIterator __result_last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | partial_sum (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | partial_sum (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _BIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _BIter | partition (_BIter, _BIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | partition (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter1 , typename _OIter2 , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr pair< _OIter1, _OIter2 > | partition_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter1, _OIter2, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator1 , typename _OutputIterator2 , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr pair< _OutputIterator1, _OutputIterator2 > | partition_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator1 __out_true, _OutputIterator2 __out_false, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _FIter | partition_point (_FIter, _FIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | partition_point (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | polar (const _Tp &, const _Tp &=0) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | pop_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | pop_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | pop_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | pop_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _If_is_unsigned_integer< _Tp, int > | popcount (_Tp __x) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type | pow (_Tp __x, _Up __y) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _Expr, _Constant, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename _Dom::value_type > | pow (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const typename _Dom::value_type &__t) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _Expr, _ValArray, _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type >, typename _Dom::value_type > | pow (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e, const valarray< typename _Dom::value_type > &__v) |
template<class _Dom1 , class _Dom2 > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _Expr, _Expr, _Dom1, _Dom2 >, typename _Dom1::value_type > | pow (const _Expr< _Dom1, typename _Dom1::value_type > &__e1, const _Expr< _Dom2, typename _Dom2::value_type > &__e2) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | pow (const _Tp &, const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > | pow (const _Tp &__x, const std::complex< _Up > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | pow (const complex< _Tp > &, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | pow (const complex< _Tp > &, const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | pow (const complex< _Tp > &, int) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > | pow (const std::complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Up &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote_2< _Tp, _Up >::__type > | pow (const std::complex< _Tp > &__x, const std::complex< _Up > &__y) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _Constant, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | pow (const typename _Dom::value_type &__t, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _Constant, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, _Tp > | pow (const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t, const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _ValArray, _Constant, _Tp, _Tp >, _Tp > | pow (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const typename valarray< _Tp >::value_type &__t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _ValArray, _ValArray, _Tp, _Tp >, _Tp > | pow (const valarray< _Tp > &__v, const valarray< _Tp > &__w) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _BinClos< struct std::_Pow, _ValArray, _Expr, typename _Dom::value_type, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | pow (const valarray< typename _Dom::valarray > &__v, const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
constexpr float | pow (float __x, float __y) |
constexpr long double | pow (long double __x, long double __y) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
constexpr _BidirectionalIterator | prev (_BidirectionalIterator __x, typename iterator_traits< _BidirectionalIterator >::difference_type __n=1) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
constexpr bool | prev_permutation (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | prev_permutation (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _BIter > | |
constexpr bool | prev_permutation (_BIter, _BIter) |
template<typename _BIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr bool | prev_permutation (_BIter, _BIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _Compare , typename _Container , typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
priority_queue (_Compare, _Container) -> priority_queue< typename _Container::value_type, _Container, _Compare > | |
template<typename _Compare , typename _Container , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
priority_queue (_Compare, _Container, _Allocator) -> priority_queue< typename _Container::value_type, _Container, _Compare > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ValT = typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type, typename _Compare = less<_ValT>, typename _Container = vector<_ValT>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
priority_queue (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Compare=_Compare(), _Container=_Container()) -> priority_queue< _ValT, _Container, _Compare > | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< typename __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type > | proj (_Tp __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
std::complex< _Tp > | proj (const std::complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Arg , typename _Result > | |
pointer_to_unary_function< _Arg, _Result > | ptr_fun (_Result(*__x)(_Arg)) |
template<typename _Arg1 , typename _Arg2 , typename _Result > | |
pointer_to_binary_function< _Arg1, _Arg2, _Result > | ptr_fun (_Result(*__x)(_Arg1, _Arg2)) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | push_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | push_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | push_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | push_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _MoneyT > | |
_Put_money< _MoneyT > | put_money (const _MoneyT &__mon, bool __intl=false) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
_Put_time< _CharT > | put_time (const std::tm *__tmb, const _CharT *__fmt) |
template<typename _Container , typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
queue (_Container) -> queue< typename _Container::value_type, _Container > | |
template<typename _Container , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
queue (_Container, _Allocator) -> queue< typename _Container::value_type, _Container > | |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
auto | quoted (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__string, _CharT __delim=_CharT('"'), _CharT __escape = _CharT('\\')) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
auto | quoted (basic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > __sv, _CharT __delim=_CharT('"'), _CharT __escape = _CharT('\\')) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
auto | quoted (const _CharT *__string, _CharT __delim=_CharT('"'), _CharT __escape = _CharT('\\')) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
auto | quoted (const basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__string, _CharT __delim=_CharT('"'), _CharT __escape = _CharT('\\')) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
void | random_shuffle (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Generator > | |
void | random_shuffle (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Generator &&) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
void | random_shuffle (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _RandomNumberGenerator > | |
void | random_shuffle (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _RandomNumberGenerator &&__rand) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | rbegin (_Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.rbegin()) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< _Tp * > | rbegin (_Tp(&__arr)[_Nm]) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | rbegin (const _Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.rbegin()) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< const _Tp * > | rbegin (initializer_list< _Tp > __il) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | real (_Tp __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | real (const complex< _Tp > &__z) |
template<typename _InputIterator > | |
constexpr iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type | reduce (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | reduce (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _Tp | reduce (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
reference_wrapper (_Tp &) -> reference_wrapper< _Tp > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp1 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > | reinterpret_pointer_cast (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__r) noexcept |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _FIter | remove (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | remove (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OIter | remove_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | remove_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, const _Tp &__value) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _OIter | remove_copy_if (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | remove_copy_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _FIter | remove_if (_FIter, _FIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | remove_if (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | rend (_Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.rend()) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< _Tp * > | rend (_Tp(&__arr)[_Nm]) noexcept |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | rend (const _Container &__cont) -> decltype(__cont.rend()) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr reverse_iterator< const _Tp * > | rend (initializer_list< _Tp > __il) noexcept |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | replace (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | replace (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__old_value, const _Tp &__new_value) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OIter | replace_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, const _Tp &, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | replace_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, const _Tp &__old_value, const _Tp &__new_value) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Predicate , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | replace_copy_if (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Predicate __pred, const _Tp &__new_value) |
template<typename _Iter , typename _OIter , typename _Predicate , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OIter | replace_copy_if (_Iter, _Iter, _OIter, _Predicate, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Predicate , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | replace_if (_FIter, _FIter, _Predicate, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr void | replace_if (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred, const _Tp &__new_value) |
template<typename _Type , size_t _Extent> | |
requires (!is_const_v< _Type >) inline span< byte | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
requires (!requires { typename _Tp::difference_type;} &&requires(const _Tp &__a, const _Tp &__b) { { __a - __b } -> integral;}) struct incrementable_traits< _Tp > | |
template<input_or_output_iterator _It, sentinel_for< _It > _Sent> | |
requires (!same_as< _It, _Sent >) &©able< _It > class common_iterator | |
template<typename _Iterator1 , typename _Iterator2 > | |
requires (!sized_sentinel_for< _Iterator1, _Iterator2 >) inline const expr bool disable_sized_sentinel_for< reverse_iterator< _Iterator1 > | |
template<typename _Is , typename _Tp > | |
requires __derived_from_ios_base< _Is > && | requires (_Is &__is, _Tp &&__t) |
template<size_t _Np, typename _Tp0 , typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 , typename... _Rest> | |
requires (_Np >=3) struct _Nth_type< _Np | |
template<typename _Os , typename _Tp > | |
requires __derived_from_ios_base< _Os > && | requires (_Os &__os, const _Tp &__t) |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Is> | |
requires (indirectly_readable< _Is > &&...) &&invocable< _Fn | |
_Resetiosflags | resetiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags __mask) |
void | rethrow_exception (exception_ptr) |
template<typename _Ex > | |
void | rethrow_if_nested (const _Ex &__ex) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | return_temporary_buffer (_Tp *__p) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator > | |
constexpr void | reverse (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last) |
template<typename _BIter > | |
constexpr void | reverse (_BIter, _BIter) |
template<typename _BidirectionalIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | reverse_copy (_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _BIter , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | reverse_copy (_BIter, _BIter, _OIter) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | riemann_zeta (_Tp __s) |
float | riemann_zetaf (float __s) |
long double | riemann_zetal (long double __s) |
ios_base & | right (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr _FIter | rotate (_FIter, _FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | rotate (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | rotate_copy (_FIter, _FIter, _FIter, _OIter) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | rotate_copy (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __middle, _ForwardIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _PopulationIterator , typename _SampleIterator , typename _Distance , typename _UniformRandomBitGenerator > | |
_SampleIterator | sample (_PopulationIterator __first, _PopulationIterator __last, _SampleIterator __out, _Distance __n, _UniformRandomBitGenerator &&__g) |
ios_base & | scientific (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 > | |
constexpr _FIter1 | search (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _FIter2) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _FIter1 | search (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2, _FIter2, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Searcher > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | search (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Searcher &__searcher) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator1 | search (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator1 | search (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2, _ForwardIterator2 __last2, _BinaryPredicate __predicate) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _FIter | search_n (_FIter, _FIter, _Size, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Size , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _FIter | search_n (_FIter, _FIter, _Size, const _Tp &, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Integer , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | search_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Integer __count, const _Tp &__val) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Integer , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | search_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Integer __count, const _Tp &__val, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
set (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator) -> set< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, less< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Compare = less<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename _Allocator = allocator<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
set (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> set< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
set (initializer_list< _Key >, _Allocator) -> set< _Key, less< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare = less<_Key>, typename _Allocator = allocator<_Key>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Compare>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
set (initializer_list< _Key >, _Compare=_Compare(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> set< _Key, _Compare, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_difference (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_difference (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_difference (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_difference (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_intersection (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_intersection (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_intersection (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_intersection (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
new_handler | set_new_handler (new_handler) throw () |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_symmetric_difference (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_symmetric_difference (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_symmetric_difference (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_symmetric_difference (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
terminate_handler | set_terminate (terminate_handler) noexcept |
unexpected_handler | set_unexpected (unexpected_handler) noexcept |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_union (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OIter | set_union (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _IIter2, _OIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_union (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | set_union (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _InputIterator2 __last2, _OutputIterator __result, _Compare __comp) |
_Setbase | setbase (int __base) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
_Setfill< _CharT > | setfill (_CharT __c) |
_Setiosflags | setiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags __mask) |
_Setprecision | setprecision (int __n) |
_Setw | setw (int __n) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Del > | |
shared_ptr (unique_ptr< _Tp, _Del >) -> shared_ptr< _Tp > | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
shared_ptr (weak_ptr< _Tp >) -> shared_ptr< _Tp > | |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | shift_left (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, typename iterator_traits< _ForwardIterator >::difference_type __n) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | shift_right (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, typename iterator_traits< _ForwardIterator >::difference_type __n) |
ios_base & | showbase (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | showpoint (ios_base &__base) |
ios_base & | showpos (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _UGenerator > | |
void | shuffle (_RAIter, _RAIter, _UGenerator &&) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _UniformRandomNumberGenerator > | |
void | shuffle (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _UniformRandomNumberGenerator &&__g) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | sin (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Sin, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | sin (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | sin (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Sin, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | sin (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | sin (float __x) |
constexpr long double | sin (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | sinh (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Sinh, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | sinh (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | sinh (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Sinh, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | sinh (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | sinh (float __x) |
constexpr long double | sinh (long double __x) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | size (const _Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept(__cont.size())) -> decltype(__cont.size()) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr size_t | size (const _Tp(&)[_Nm]) noexcept |
ios_base & | skipws (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | sort (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | sort (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
constexpr void | sort_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | sort_heap (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
constexpr void | sort_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr void | sort_heap (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<contiguous_iterator _Iter, typename _End > | |
span (_Iter, _End) -> span< remove_reference_t< iter_reference_t< _Iter >>> | |
template<ranges::contiguous_range _Range> | |
span (_Range &&) -> span< remove_reference_t< ranges::range_reference_t< _Range & >>> | |
template<typename _Type , size_t _ArrayExtent> | |
span (_Type(&)[_ArrayExtent]) -> span< _Type, _ArrayExtent > | |
template<typename _Type , size_t _ArrayExtent> | |
span (array< _Type, _ArrayExtent > &) -> span< _Type, _ArrayExtent > | |
template<typename _Type , size_t _ArrayExtent> | |
span (const array< _Type, _ArrayExtent > &) -> span< const _Type, _ArrayExtent > | |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | sph_bessel (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) |
float | sph_besself (unsigned int __n, float __x) |
long double | sph_bessell (unsigned int __n, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | sph_legendre (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, _Tp __theta) |
float | sph_legendref (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, float __theta) |
long double | sph_legendrel (unsigned int __l, unsigned int __m, long double __theta) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
__gnu_cxx::__promote< _Tp >::__type | sph_neumann (unsigned int __n, _Tp __x) |
float | sph_neumannf (unsigned int __n, float __x) |
long double | sph_neumannl (unsigned int __n, long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | sqrt (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Sqrt, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | sqrt (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | sqrt (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Sqrt, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | sqrt (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | sqrt (float __x) |
constexpr long double | sqrt (long double __x) |
template<typename _Container > | |
constexpr auto | ssize (const _Container &__cont) noexcept(noexcept(__cont.size())) -> common_type_t< ptrdiff_t, make_signed_t< decltype(__cont.size())>> |
template<typename _Tp , ptrdiff_t _Num> | |
constexpr ptrdiff_t | ssize (const _Tp(&)[_Num]) noexcept |
template<typename _BIter , typename _Predicate > | |
_BIter | stable_partition (_BIter, _BIter, _Predicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Predicate > | |
_ForwardIterator | stable_partition (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred) |
template<typename _RAIter > | |
void | stable_sort (_RAIter, _RAIter) |
template<typename _RAIter , typename _Compare > | |
void | stable_sort (_RAIter, _RAIter, _Compare) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator > | |
void | stable_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) |
template<typename _RandomAccessIterator , typename _Compare > | |
void | stable_sort (_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp) |
template<typename _Container , typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
stack (_Container) -> stack< typename _Container::value_type, _Container > | |
template<typename _Container , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Container>> | |
stack (_Container, _Allocator) -> stack< typename _Container::value_type, _Container > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp1 , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > | static_pointer_cast (const __shared_ptr< _Tp1, _Lp > &__r) noexcept |
template<typename _Callback > | |
stop_callback (stop_token, _Callback) -> stop_callback< _Callback > | |
char * | strchr (char *__s, int __n) |
char * | strpbrk (char *__s1, const char *__s2) |
char * | strrchr (char *__s, int __n) |
char * | strstr (char *__s1, const char *__s2) |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
void | swap (__shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, __shared_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , _Lock_policy _Lp> | |
void | swap (__weak_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__a, __weak_ptr< _Tp, _Lp > &__b) noexcept |
template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Require< __not_< __is_tuple_like< _Tp > >, is_move_constructible< _Tp >, is_move_assignable< _Tp > > | swap (_Tp &, _Tp &) noexcept(__and_< is_nothrow_move_constructible< _Tp >, is_nothrow_move_assignable< _Tp >>::value) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr enable_if< __and_< __not_< __is_tuple_like< _Tp > >, is_move_constructible< _Tp >, is_move_assignable< _Tp > >::value >::type | swap (_Tp &__a, _Tp &__b) noexcept(/*conditional */) is_nothrow_move_assignable< _Tp >> |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr enable_if< __is_swappable< _Tp >::value >::type | swap (_Tp(&__a)[_Nm], _Tp(&__b)[_Nm]) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr __enable_if_t< __is_swappable< _Tp >::value > | swap (_Tp(&__a)[_Nm], _Tp(&__b)[_Nm]) noexcept(__is_nothrow_swappable< _Tp >::value) |
void | swap (any &__x, any &__y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
enable_if< !__array_traits< _Tp, _Nm >::_Is_swappable::value >::type | swap (array< _Tp, _Nm > &, array< _Tp, _Nm > &)=delete |
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr enable_if< __array_traits< _Tp, _Nm >::_Is_swappable::value >::type | swap (array< _Tp, _Nm > &__one, array< _Tp, _Nm > &__two) noexcept(noexcept(__one.swap(__two))) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits > | |
void | swap (basic_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits > &__x, basic_filebuf< _CharT, _Traits > &__y) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits > | |
void | swap (basic_fstream< _CharT, _Traits > &__x, basic_fstream< _CharT, _Traits > &__y) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits > | |
void | swap (basic_ifstream< _CharT, _Traits > &__x, basic_ifstream< _CharT, _Traits > &__y) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Allocator > | |
void | swap (basic_istringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__x, basic_istringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__y) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits > | |
void | swap (basic_ofstream< _CharT, _Traits > &__x, basic_ofstream< _CharT, _Traits > &__y) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Allocator > | |
void | swap (basic_ostringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__x, basic_ostringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__y) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr void | swap (basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__lhs, basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Allocator > | |
void | swap (basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__x, basic_stringbuf< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , class _Allocator > | |
void | swap (basic_stringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__x, basic_stringstream< _CharT, _Traits, _Allocator > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, deque< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__lx, forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__ly) noexcept(noexcept(__lx.swap(__ly))) |
template<typename _Res , typename... _Args> | |
void | swap (function< _Res(_Args...)> &__x, function< _Res(_Args...)> &__y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, list< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__lhs, match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__rhs) noexcept |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, multiset< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
enable_if_t<!(is_move_constructible_v< _Tp > &&is_swappable_v< _Tp >)> | swap (optional< _Tp > &, optional< _Tp > &)=delete |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr enable_if_t< is_move_constructible_v< _Tp > &&is_swappable_v< _Tp > > | swap (optional< _Tp > &__lhs, optional< _Tp > &__rhs) noexcept(noexcept(__lhs.swap(__rhs))) |
template<typename _Res , typename... _ArgTypes> | |
void | swap (packaged_task< _Res(_ArgTypes...)> &__x, packaged_task< _Res(_ArgTypes...)> &__y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Sequence , typename _Compare > | |
enable_if< __and_< __is_swappable< _Sequence >, __is_swappable< _Compare > >::value >::type | swap (priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare > &__x, priority_queue< _Tp, _Sequence, _Compare > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<typename _Res > | |
void | swap (promise< _Res > &__x, promise< _Res > &__y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
enable_if< __is_swappable< _Seq >::value >::type | swap (queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, queue< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<typename _Key , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc > | |
void | swap (set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__x, set< _Key, _Compare, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Seq > | |
enable_if< __is_swappable< _Seq >::value >::type | swap (stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__x, stack< _Tp, _Seq > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
void | swap (thread &__x, thread &__y) noexcept |
template<typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr enable_if<!__and_< __is_swappable< _Elements >... >::value >::type | swap (tuple< _Elements... > &, tuple< _Elements... > &)=delete |
template<typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr enable_if< __and_< __is_swappable< _Elements >... >::value >::type | swap (tuple< _Elements... > &__x, tuple< _Elements... > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Dp > | |
enable_if<!__is_swappable< _Dp >::value >::type | swap (unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &, unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > &)=delete |
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
void | swap (unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<class _Key , class _Tp , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
void | swap (unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
void | swap (unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_multiset< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<class _Value , class _Hash , class _Pred , class _Alloc > | |
void | swap (unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__x, unordered_set< _Value, _Hash, _Pred, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(noexcept(__x.swap(__y))) |
template<typename... _Types> | |
enable_if_t<!((is_move_constructible_v< _Types > &&...) &&(is_swappable_v< _Types > &&...))> | swap (variant< _Types... > &, variant< _Types... > &)=delete |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr enable_if_t<(is_move_constructible_v< _Types > &&...) &&(is_swappable_v< _Types > &&...)> | swap (variant< _Types... > &__lhs, variant< _Types... > &__rhs) noexcept(noexcept(__lhs.swap(__rhs))) |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr void | swap (vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__x, vector< _Tp, _Alloc > &__y) noexcept(/*conditional */) |
template<typename _FIter1 , typename _FIter2 > | |
constexpr _FIter2 | swap_ranges (_FIter1, _FIter1, _FIter2) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator1 , typename _ForwardIterator2 > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator2 | swap_ranges (_ForwardIterator1 __first1, _ForwardIterator1 __last1, _ForwardIterator2 __first2) |
const error_category & | system_category () noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | tan (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Tan, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | tan (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | tan (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Tan, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | tan (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | tan (float __x) |
constexpr long double | tan (long double __x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr __gnu_cxx::__enable_if< __is_integer< _Tp >::__value, double >::__type | tanh (_Tp __x) |
template<class _Dom > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Tanh, _Expr, _Dom >, typename _Dom::value_type > | tanh (const _Expr< _Dom, typename _Dom::value_type > &__e) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
complex< _Tp > | tanh (const complex< _Tp > &) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Expr< _UnClos< struct std::_Tanh, _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > | tanh (const valarray< _Tp > &__v) |
constexpr float | tanh (float __x) |
constexpr long double | tanh (long double __x) |
void | terminate () noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
void | throw_with_nested (_Tp &&__t) |
template<typename... _Elements> | |
constexpr tuple< _Elements &... > | tie (_Elements &... __args) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp * | to_address (_Tp *__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _Ptr > | |
constexpr auto | to_address (const _Ptr &__ptr) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr array< remove_cv_t< _Tp >, _Nm > | to_array (_Tp(&&__a)[_Nm]) noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< _Tp >) |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr array< remove_cv_t< _Tp >, _Nm > | to_array (_Tp(&__a)[_Nm]) noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v< _Tp, _Tp & >) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *, char *, bool, int=10)=delete |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, char __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, signed char __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, signed int __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, signed long __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, signed long long __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, signed short __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, unsigned char __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, unsigned int __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, unsigned long __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, unsigned long long __value, int __base=10) |
to_chars_result | to_chars (char *__first, char *__last, unsigned short __value, int __base=10) |
template<typename _IntegerType > | |
constexpr _IntegerType | to_integer (__byte_op_t< _IntegerType > __b) noexcept |
string | to_string (int __val) |
string | to_string (long __val) |
string | to_string (long long __val) |
string | to_string (unsigned __val) |
string | to_string (unsigned long __val) |
string | to_string (unsigned long long __val) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
_CharT | tolower (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _CharT > | |
_CharT | toupper (_CharT __c, const locale &__loc) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter , typename _UnaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OIter | transform (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _UnaryOperation) |
template<typename _IIter1 , typename _IIter2 , typename _OIter , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OIter | transform (_IIter1, _IIter1, _IIter2, _OIter, _BinaryOperation) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _UnaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | transform (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | transform (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | transform_exclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | transform_inclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | transform_inclusive_scan (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation > | |
constexpr _Tp | transform_reduce (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _Tp | transform_reduce (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init) |
template<typename _InputIterator1 , typename _InputIterator2 , typename _Tp , typename _BinaryOperation1 , typename _BinaryOperation2 > | |
constexpr _Tp | transform_reduce (_InputIterator1 __first1, _InputIterator1 __last1, _InputIterator2 __first2, _Tp __init, _BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1, _BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2) |
template<typename _L1 , typename _L2 , typename... _L3> | |
int | try_lock (_L1 &__l1, _L2 &__l2, _L3 &... __l3) |
template<typename... _UTypes> | |
tuple (_UTypes...) -> tuple< _UTypes... > | |
template<typename _Alloc , typename... _UTypes> | |
tuple (allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, _UTypes...) -> tuple< _UTypes... > | |
template<typename _Alloc , typename _T1 , typename _T2 > | |
tuple (allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, pair< _T1, _T2 >) -> tuple< _T1, _T2 > | |
template<typename _Alloc , typename... _UTypes> | |
tuple (allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, tuple< _UTypes... >) -> tuple< _UTypes... > | |
template<typename _T1 , typename _T2 > | |
tuple (pair< _T1, _T2 >) -> tuple< _T1, _T2 > | |
template<typename... _Tpls, typename = typename enable_if<__and_<__is_tuple_like<_Tpls>...>::value>::type> | |
constexpr auto | tuple_cat (_Tpls &&... __tpls) -> typename __tuple_cat_result< _Tpls... >::__type |
bool | uncaught_exception () noexcept |
int | uncaught_exceptions () noexcept |
void | undeclare_no_pointers (char *, size_t) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
_Tp * | undeclare_reachable (_Tp *__p) |
void | unexpected () |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr _Tp * | uninitialized_construct_using_allocator (_Tp *__p, const _Alloc &__a, _Args &&... __args) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ForwardIterator > | |
_ForwardIterator | uninitialized_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIterator > | |
_ForwardIterator | uninitialized_copy_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __n, _ForwardIterator __result) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
void | uninitialized_default_construct (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Size > | |
_ForwardIterator | uninitialized_default_construct_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
void | uninitialized_fill (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__x) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Size , typename _Tp > | |
_ForwardIterator | uninitialized_fill_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __n, const _Tp &__x) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ForwardIterator > | |
_ForwardIterator | uninitialized_move (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _ForwardIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Size , typename _ForwardIterator > | |
pair< _InputIterator, _ForwardIterator > | uninitialized_move_n (_InputIterator __first, _Size __count, _ForwardIterator __result) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
void | uninitialized_value_construct (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Size > | |
_ForwardIterator | uninitialized_value_construct_n (_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count) |
template<typename _FIter > | |
constexpr _FIter | unique (_FIter, _FIter) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _FIter | unique (_FIter, _FIter, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | unique (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | unique (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter > | |
constexpr _OIter | unique_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter) |
template<typename _IIter , typename _OIter , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _OIter | unique_copy (_IIter, _IIter, _OIter, _BinaryPredicate) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | unique_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator , typename _BinaryPredicate > | |
constexpr _OutputIterator | unique_copy (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result, _BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) |
ios_base & | unitbuf (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator) -> unordered_map< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, hash< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, equal_to< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, typename unordered_map< int, int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_map< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, hash< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, equal_to< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, typename unordered_map< int, int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_map< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, _Hash, equal_to< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash = hash<__iter_key_t<_InputIterator>>, typename _Pred = equal_to<__iter_key_t<_InputIterator>>, typename _Allocator = allocator<__iter_to_alloc_t<_InputIterator>>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, typename unordered_map< int, int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_map< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, _Allocator) -> unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, hash< _Key >, equal_to< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, typename unordered_map< int, int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, hash< _Key >, equal_to< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, typename unordered_map< int, int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, equal_to< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash = hash<_Key>, typename _Pred = equal_to<_Key>, typename _Allocator = allocator<pair<const _Key, _Tp>>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_map (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, typename unordered_map< int, int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_map< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator) -> unordered_multimap< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, hash< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, equal_to< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_multimap< int, int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_multimap< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, hash< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, equal_to< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_multimap< int, int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_multimap< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, _Hash, equal_to< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >>, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash = hash<__iter_key_t<_InputIterator>>, typename _Pred = equal_to<__iter_key_t<_InputIterator>>, typename _Allocator = allocator<__iter_to_alloc_t<_InputIterator>>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_multimap< int, int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_multimap< __iter_key_t< _InputIterator >, __iter_val_t< _InputIterator >, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, _Allocator) -> unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, hash< _Key >, equal_to< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, unordered_multimap< int, int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, hash< _Key >, equal_to< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, unordered_multimap< int, int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, equal_to< _Key >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Key , typename _Tp , typename _Hash = hash<_Key>, typename _Pred = equal_to<_Key>, typename _Allocator = allocator<pair<const _Key, _Tp>>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multimap (initializer_list< pair< _Key, _Tp >>, unordered_multimap< int, int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_multimap< _Key, _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multiset (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_multiset< int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_multiset< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, hash< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, equal_to< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multiset (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_multiset< int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_multiset< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, _Hash, equal_to< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename _Pred = equal_to<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename _Allocator = allocator<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multiset (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_multiset< int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_multiset< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multiset (initializer_list< _Tp >, unordered_multiset< int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_multiset< _Tp, hash< _Tp >, equal_to< _Tp >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multiset (initializer_list< _Tp >, unordered_multiset< int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_multiset< _Tp, _Hash, equal_to< _Tp >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Hash = hash<_Tp>, typename _Pred = equal_to<_Tp>, typename _Allocator = allocator<_Tp>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_multiset (initializer_list< _Tp >, unordered_multiset< int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_multiset< _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_set (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_set< int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_set< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, hash< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, equal_to< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_set (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_set< int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_set< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, _Hash, equal_to< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Hash = hash<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename _Pred = equal_to<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename _Allocator = allocator<typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_set (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, unordered_set< int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_set< typename iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::value_type, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_set (initializer_list< _Tp >, unordered_set< int >::size_type, _Allocator) -> unordered_set< _Tp, hash< _Tp >, equal_to< _Tp >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Hash , typename _Allocator , typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_set (initializer_list< _Tp >, unordered_set< int >::size_type, _Hash, _Allocator) -> unordered_set< _Tp, _Hash, equal_to< _Tp >, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Hash = hash<_Tp>, typename _Pred = equal_to<_Tp>, typename _Allocator = allocator<_Tp>, typename = _RequireNotAllocatorOrIntegral<_Hash>, typename = _RequireNotAllocator<_Pred>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
unordered_set (initializer_list< _Tp >, unordered_set< int >::size_type={}, _Hash=_Hash(), _Pred=_Pred(), _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> unordered_set< _Tp, _Hash, _Pred, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _FIter | upper_bound (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &) |
template<typename _FIter , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _FIter | upper_bound (_FIter, _FIter, const _Tp &, _Compare) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | upper_bound (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val) |
template<typename _ForwardIterator , typename _Tp , typename _Compare > | |
constexpr _ForwardIterator | upper_bound (_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, const _Tp &__val, _Compare __comp) |
ios_base & | uppercase (ios_base &__base) |
template<typename _Facet > | |
const _Facet & | use_facet (const locale &__loc) |
template<_Std_pair _Tp, typename _Alloc > | |
constexpr auto | uses_allocator_construction_args (const _Alloc &) noexcept |
template<_Std_pair _Tp, typename _Alloc , typename _Up , typename _Vp > | |
constexpr auto | uses_allocator_construction_args (const _Alloc &, _Up &&, _Vp &&) noexcept |
template<_Std_pair _Tp, typename _Alloc , typename _Up , typename _Vp > | |
constexpr auto | uses_allocator_construction_args (const _Alloc &, const pair< _Up, _Vp > &) noexcept |
template<_Std_pair _Tp, typename _Alloc , typename _Up , typename _Vp > | |
constexpr auto | uses_allocator_construction_args (const _Alloc &, pair< _Up, _Vp > &&) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Alloc , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr auto | uses_allocator_construction_args (const _Alloc &__a, _Args &&... __args) noexcept requires(! _Std_pair< _Tp >) |
template<_Std_pair _Tp, typename _Alloc , typename _Tuple1 , typename _Tuple2 > | |
constexpr auto | uses_allocator_construction_args (const _Alloc &__a, piecewise_construct_t, _Tuple1 &&__x, _Tuple2 &&__y) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
valarray (const _Tp(&)[_Nm], size_t) -> valarray< _Tp > | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _ValT = typename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::value_type, typename _Allocator = allocator<_ValT>, typename = _RequireInputIter<_InputIterator>, typename = _RequireAllocator<_Allocator>> | |
vector (_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _Allocator=_Allocator()) -> vector< _ValT, _Allocator > | |
template<typename _Visitor , typename... _Variants> | |
constexpr __detail::__variant::__visit_result_t< _Visitor, _Variants... > | visit (_Visitor &&, _Variants &&...) |
template<typename _Visitor , typename... _Variants> | |
constexpr __detail::__variant::__visit_result_t< _Visitor, _Variants... > | visit (_Visitor &&__visitor, _Variants &&... __variants) |
template<typename _Res , typename _Visitor , typename... _Variants> | |
constexpr _Res | visit (_Visitor &&__visitor, _Variants &&... __variants) |
wchar_t * | wcschr (wchar_t *__p, wchar_t __c) |
wchar_t * | wcspbrk (wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2) |
wchar_t * | wcsrchr (wchar_t *__p, wchar_t __c) |
wchar_t * | wcsstr (wchar_t *__s1, const wchar_t *__s2) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
weak_ptr (shared_ptr< _Tp >) -> weak_ptr< _Tp > | |
wchar_t * | wmemchr (wchar_t *__p, wchar_t __c, size_t __n) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | ws (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is) |
template<typename _ValueType > | |
_ValueType | any_cast (any &__any) |
template<typename _ValueType > | |
_ValueType | any_cast (any &&__any) |
template<typename _ValueType > | |
const _ValueType * | any_cast (const any *__any) noexcept |
template<typename _ValueType > | |
_ValueType * | any_cast (any *__any) noexcept |
template<size_t _Nb> | |
bitset< _Nb > | operator& (const bitset< _Nb > &__x, const bitset< _Nb > &__y) noexcept |
template<size_t _Nb> | |
bitset< _Nb > | operator| (const bitset< _Nb > &__x, const bitset< _Nb > &__y) noexcept |
template<size_t _Nb> | |
bitset< _Nb > | operator^ (const bitset< _Nb > &__x, const bitset< _Nb > &__y) noexcept |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , size_t _Nb> | |
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, bitset< _Nb > &__x) |
template<class _CharT , class _Traits , size_t _Nb> | |
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const bitset< _Nb > &__x) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator+ (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator+ (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator+ (const _Tp &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator- (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator- (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator- (const _Tp &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator* (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator* (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator* (const _Tp &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator/ (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator/ (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr complex< _Tp > | operator/ (const _Tp &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const complex< _Tp > &__y) |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | operator== (const complex< _Tp > &__x, const _Tp &__y) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__in, _CharT &__c) |
template<class _Traits > | |
basic_istream< char, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< char, _Traits > &__in, unsigned char &__c) |
template<class _Traits > | |
basic_istream< char, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< char, _Traits > &__in, signed char &__c) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits , size_t _Num> | |
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__in, _CharT(&__s)[_Num]) |
template<class _Traits , size_t _Num> | |
basic_istream< char, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< char, _Traits > &__in, unsigned char(&__s)[_Num]) |
template<class _Traits , size_t _Num> | |
basic_istream< char, _Traits > & | operator>> (basic_istream< char, _Traits > &__in, signed char(&__s)[_Num]) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, _CharT __c) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, char __c) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &__out, char __c) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &__out, signed char __c) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &__out, unsigned char __c) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &, wchar_t)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &, char16_t)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &, char32_t)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > &, char16_t)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > &, char32_t)=delete |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, const _CharT *__s) |
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__out, const char *__s) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &__out, const char *__s) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &__out, const signed char *__s) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &__out, const unsigned char *__s) |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &, const wchar_t *)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &, const char16_t *)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< char, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< char, _Traits > &, const char32_t *)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > &, const char16_t *)=delete |
template<typename _Traits > | |
basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > & | operator<< (basic_ostream< wchar_t, _Traits > &, const char32_t *)=delete |
Matching, Searching, and Replacing | |
template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Alloc , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (_Bi_iter __s, _Bi_iter __e, match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_type , typename _Alloc , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (const _Ch_type *__s, match_results< const _Ch_type *, _Alloc > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc , typename _Alloc , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__s, match_results< typename basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc >::const_iterator, _Alloc > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc , typename _Alloc , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &&, match_results< typename basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc >::const_iterator, _Alloc > &, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &, regex_constants::match_flag_type=regex_constants::match_default)=delete |
template<typename _Ch_type , class _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (const _Ch_type *__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Str_allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_match (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Str_allocator > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Alloc , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (_Bi_iter __s, _Bi_iter __e, match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Bi_iter , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (_Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__re, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_type , class _Alloc , class _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (const _Ch_type *__s, match_results< const _Ch_type *, _Alloc > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (const _Ch_type *__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _String_allocator , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _String_allocator > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc , typename _Alloc , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &__s, match_results< typename basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc >::const_iterator, _Alloc > &__m, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, regex_constants::match_flag_type __f=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Ch_traits , typename _Ch_alloc , typename _Alloc , typename _Ch_type , typename _Rx_traits > | |
bool | regex_search (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc > &&, match_results< typename basic_string< _Ch_type, _Ch_traits, _Ch_alloc >::const_iterator, _Alloc > &, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &, regex_constants::match_flag_type=regex_constants::match_default)=delete |
template<typename _Out_iter , typename _Bi_iter , typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type > | |
_Out_iter | __regex_replace (_Out_iter __out, _Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const _Ch_type *__fmt, size_t __len, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags) |
template<typename _Out_iter , typename _Bi_iter , typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type , typename _St , typename _Sa > | |
_Out_iter | regex_replace (_Out_iter __out, _Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const basic_string< _Ch_type, _St, _Sa > &__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Out_iter , typename _Bi_iter , typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type > | |
_Out_iter | regex_replace (_Out_iter __out, _Bi_iter __first, _Bi_iter __last, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const _Ch_type *__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type , typename _St , typename _Sa , typename _Fst , typename _Fsa > | |
basic_string< _Ch_type, _St, _Sa > | regex_replace (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _St, _Sa > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const basic_string< _Ch_type, _Fst, _Fsa > &__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type , typename _St , typename _Sa > | |
basic_string< _Ch_type, _St, _Sa > | regex_replace (const basic_string< _Ch_type, _St, _Sa > &__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const _Ch_type *__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type , typename _St , typename _Sa > | |
basic_string< _Ch_type > | regex_replace (const _Ch_type *__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const basic_string< _Ch_type, _St, _Sa > &__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<typename _Rx_traits , typename _Ch_type > | |
basic_string< _Ch_type > | regex_replace (const _Ch_type *__s, const basic_regex< _Ch_type, _Rx_traits > &__e, const _Ch_type *__fmt, regex_constants::match_flag_type __flags=regex_constants::match_default) |
template<size_t _Int, class _Tp1 , class _Tp2 > | |
constexpr tuple_element< _Int, pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type & | get (pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &__in) noexcept |
template<size_t _Int, class _Tp1 , class _Tp2 > | |
constexpr tuple_element< _Int, pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type && | get (pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &&__in) noexcept |
template<size_t _Int, class _Tp1 , class _Tp2 > | |
constexpr const tuple_element< _Int, pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type & | get (const pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &__in) noexcept |
template<size_t _Int, class _Tp1 , class _Tp2 > | |
constexpr const tuple_element< _Int, pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > >::type && | get (const pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > &&__in) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr _Tp & | get (pair< _Tp, _Up > &__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | get (const pair< _Tp, _Up > &__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr _Tp && | get (pair< _Tp, _Up > &&__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr const _Tp && | get (const pair< _Tp, _Up > &&__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr _Tp & | get (pair< _Up, _Tp > &__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr const _Tp & | get (const pair< _Up, _Tp > &__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr _Tp && | get (pair< _Up, _Tp > &&__p) noexcept |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr const _Tp && | get (const pair< _Up, _Tp > &&__p) noexcept |
Variables | |
template<typename _Alloc > | |
concept | __allocator_like |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __denorm_min_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | __derived_from_ios_base |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __digits10_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __digits_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __epsilon_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __finite_max_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __finite_min_v |
template<template< typename > class _Trait, typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __has_iec559_behavior_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __has_iec559_storage_format_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __infinity_v |
static ios_base::Init | __ioinit |
template<typename > | |
constexpr bool | __is_in_place_type_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __is_in_place_type_v< in_place_type_t< _Tp > > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __is_optional_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __is_optional_v< optional< _Tp > > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __is_pair |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | __is_pair< const pair< _Tp, _Up > > |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | __is_pair< pair< _Tp, _Up > > |
template<typename _Up > | |
static constexpr bool | __is_shared_ptr |
template<typename _Up > | |
static constexpr bool | __is_shared_ptr< shared_ptr< _Up > > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __max_digits10_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __max_exponent10_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __max_exponent_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __min_exponent10_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __min_exponent_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __norm_min_v |
return | __os |
_Rest | __pad0__ |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __platform_wait_uses_type |
template<typename _Callable , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | __pmf_expects_stop_token |
template<typename _Callable , typename _Obj , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | __pmf_expects_stop_token< _Callable, _Obj, _Args... > |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __quiet_NaN_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __radix_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __reciprocal_overflow_threshold_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __round_error_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr auto | __signaling_NaN_v |
template<template< typename... > class _Trait, typename _Tp , typename _Tuple > | |
constexpr bool | __unpack_std_tuple |
template<template< typename... > class _Trait, typename _Tp , typename... _Up> | |
constexpr bool | __unpack_std_tuple< _Trait, _Tp, const tuple< _Up... > & > |
template<template< typename... > class _Trait, typename _Tp , typename... _Up> | |
constexpr bool | __unpack_std_tuple< _Trait, _Tp, const tuple< _Up... > > |
template<template< typename... > class _Trait, typename _Tp , typename... _Up> | |
constexpr bool | __unpack_std_tuple< _Trait, _Tp, tuple< _Up... > & > |
template<template< typename... > class _Trait, typename _Tp , typename... _Up> | |
constexpr bool | __unpack_std_tuple< _Trait, _Tp, tuple< _Up... > > |
template<template< typename > class _Trait, typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | __value_exists_v |
_Rest | _Rest |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | _Std_pair |
_Tp0 | |
_Tp1 | |
_Tp2 | |
constexpr adopt_lock_t | adopt_lock |
template<typename _Lhs , typename _Rhs > | |
concept | assignable_from |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | bidirectional_iterator |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | common_reference_with |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | common_with |
constexpr __cmp_cust::_Partial_fallback | compare_partial_order_fallback |
constexpr __cmp_cust::_Strong_fallback | compare_strong_order_fallback |
constexpr __cmp_cust::_Weak_fallback | compare_weak_order_fallback |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
concept | constructible_from |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | contiguous_iterator |
template<typename _From , typename _To > | |
concept | convertible_to |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | copy_constructible |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | copyable |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | default_initializable |
constexpr default_sentinel_t | default_sentinel |
constexpr defer_lock_t | defer_lock |
template<typename _Derived , typename _Base > | |
concept | derived_from |
constexpr destroying_delete_t | destroying_delete |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | destructible |
template<typename _Sent , typename _Iter > | |
constexpr bool | disable_sized_sentinel_for |
constexpr size_t | dynamic_extent |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | equality_comparable |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | equality_comparable_with |
template<typename _Rel , typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | equivalence_relation |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | floating_point |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | forward_iterator |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | has_unique_object_representations_v |
constexpr _Swallow_assign | ignore |
constexpr in_place_t | in_place |
template<size_t _Idx> | |
constexpr in_place_index_t< _Idx > | in_place_index |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr in_place_type_t< _Tp > | in_place_type |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | incrementable |
template<typename _Fn , typename _I1 , typename _I2 > | |
concept | indirect_binary_predicate |
template<typename _Fn , typename _I1 , typename _I2 = _I1> | |
concept | indirect_equivalence_relation |
template<typename _Fn , typename _I1 , typename _I2 = _I1> | |
concept | indirect_strict_weak_order |
template<typename _Fn , typename _Iter > | |
concept | indirect_unary_predicate |
template<typename _I1 , typename _I2 , typename _Rel , typename _P1 = identity, typename _P2 = identity> | |
concept | indirectly_comparable |
template<typename _In , typename _Out > | |
concept | indirectly_copyable |
template<typename _In , typename _Out > | |
concept | indirectly_copyable_storable |
template<typename _In , typename _Out > | |
concept | indirectly_movable |
template<typename _In , typename _Out > | |
concept | indirectly_movable_storable |
template<typename _In > | |
concept | indirectly_readable |
template<typename _Fn , typename _Iter > | |
concept | indirectly_regular_unary_invocable |
template<typename _I1 , typename _I2 = _I1> | |
concept | indirectly_swappable |
template<typename _Fn , typename _Iter > | |
concept | indirectly_unary_invocable |
template<typename _Out , typename _Tp > | |
concept | indirectly_writable |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | input_iterator |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | input_or_output_iterator |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | integral |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
concept | invocable |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_aggregate_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_bind_expression_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_bounded_array_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_error_code_enum_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_error_condition_enum_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_layout_compatible_v |
template<typename _From , typename _To > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_convertible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_swappable_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_swappable_with_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr int | is_placeholder_v |
template<typename _Base , typename _Derived > | |
constexpr bool | is_pointer_interconvertible_base_of_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_swappable_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_swappable_with_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_unbounded_array_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
requires is_object_v< _Tp > struct | iterator_traits< _Tp * > |
error_code | make_error_code (errc) noexcept |
constexpr memory_order | memory_order_acq_rel |
constexpr memory_order | memory_order_acquire |
constexpr memory_order | memory_order_consume |
constexpr memory_order | memory_order_relaxed |
constexpr memory_order | memory_order_release |
constexpr memory_order | memory_order_seq_cst |
template<typename _I1 , typename _I2 , typename _Out , typename _Rel = ranges::less, typename _P1 = identity, typename _P2 = identity> | |
concept | mergeable |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | movable |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | move_constructible |
constexpr nostopstate_t | nostopstate |
const nothrow_t | nothrow |
constexpr nullopt_t | nullopt |
decltype(nullptr) typedef | nullptr_t |
template<typename _Iter , typename _Tp > | |
concept | output_iterator |
constexpr __cmp_cust::_Partial_order | partial_order |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | permutable |
constexpr piecewise_construct_t | piecewise_construct |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
concept | predicate |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | random_access_iterator |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
constexpr bool | ratio_equal_v |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
constexpr bool | ratio_greater_equal_v |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
constexpr bool | ratio_greater_v |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
constexpr bool | ratio_less_equal_v |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
constexpr bool | ratio_less_v |
template<typename _R1 , typename _R2 > | |
constexpr bool | ratio_not_equal_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | regular |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
concept | regular_invocable |
template<typename _Rel , typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | relation |
template<typename _Tp > | |
requires | requires |
reverse_iterator< _Iterator2 > | |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | same_as |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | semiregular |
template<typename _Sent , typename _Iter > | |
concept | sentinel_for |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | signed_integral |
template<typename _Sent , typename _Iter > | |
concept | sized_sentinel_for |
template<typename _Iter , typename _Rel = ranges::less, typename _Proj = identity> | |
concept | sortable |
template<typename _Rel , typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | strict_weak_order |
constexpr __cmp_cust::_Strong_order | strong_order |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | swappable |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | swappable_with |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Cat = partial_ordering> | |
concept | three_way_comparable |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up , typename _Cat = partial_ordering> | |
concept | three_way_comparable_with |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | totally_ordered |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
concept | totally_ordered_with |
constexpr try_to_lock_t | try_to_lock |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v< array< _Tp, _Nm > > |
template<typename _Tp , size_t _Nm> | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v< const array< _Tp, _Nm > > |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v< const pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > > |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v< const tuple< _Types... > > |
template<typename _Tp1 , typename _Tp2 > | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v< pair< _Tp1, _Tp2 > > |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr size_t | tuple_size_v< tuple< _Types... > > |
template<typename _Gen > | |
concept | uniform_random_bit_generator |
constexpr unreachable_sentinel_t | unreachable_sentinel |
template<typename _Tp > | |
concept | unsigned_integral |
constexpr size_t | variant_npos |
template<typename _Variant > | |
constexpr size_t | variant_size_v |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr size_t | variant_size_v< const variant< _Types... > > |
template<typename... _Types> | |
constexpr size_t | variant_size_v< variant< _Types... > > |
constexpr __cmp_cust::_Weak_order | weak_order |
template<typename _Iter > | |
concept | weakly_incrementable |
Standard Stream Objects | |
The <iostream> header declares the eight standard stream objects. For other declarations, see and the I/O forward declarations They are required by default to cooperate with the global C library's | |
istream | cin |
ostream | cout |
ostream | cerr |
ostream | clog |
wistream | wcin |
wostream | wcout |
wostream | wcerr |
wostream | wclog |
template<typename... _Bn> | |
constexpr bool | conjunction_v |
template<typename... _Bn> | |
constexpr bool | disjunction_v |
template<typename _Pp > | |
constexpr bool | negation_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_void_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_null_pointer_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_integral_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_floating_point_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_array_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_pointer_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_lvalue_reference_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_rvalue_reference_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_member_object_pointer_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_member_function_pointer_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_enum_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_union_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_class_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_function_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_reference_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_arithmetic_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_fundamental_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_object_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_scalar_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_compound_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_member_pointer_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_const_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_volatile_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivial_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_copyable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_standard_layout_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_pod_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_literal_type_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_empty_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_polymorphic_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_abstract_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_final_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_signed_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_unsigned_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_default_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_copy_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_move_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_copy_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_move_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_destructible_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_default_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_copy_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_move_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_copy_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_move_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_trivially_destructible_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_default_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_move_constructible_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_copy_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_move_assignable_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_destructible_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr bool | has_virtual_destructor_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr size_t | alignment_of_v |
template<typename _Tp > | |
constexpr size_t | rank_v |
template<typename _Tp , unsigned _Idx = 0> | |
constexpr size_t | extent_v |
template<typename _Tp , typename _Up > | |
constexpr bool | is_same_v |
template<typename _Base , typename _Derived > | |
constexpr bool | is_base_of_v |
template<typename _From , typename _To > | |
constexpr bool | is_convertible_v |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_invocable_v |
template<typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_invocable_v |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_invocable_r_v |
template<typename _Ret , typename _Fn , typename... _Args> | |
constexpr bool | is_nothrow_invocable_r_v |
ISO C++ entities toplevel namespace is std.
using std::__ptr_rebind = typedef typename pointer_traits<_Ptr>::template rebind<_Tp> |
Convenience alias for rebinding pointers.
Definition at line 224 of file ptr_traits.h.
using std::__umap_traits = typedef __detail::_Hashtable_traits<_Cache, false, true> |
Base types for unordered_map.
Definition at line 40 of file unordered_map.h.
using std::__ummap_traits = typedef __detail::_Hashtable_traits<_Cache, false, false> |
Base types for unordered_multimap.
Definition at line 57 of file unordered_map.h.
using std::__umset_traits = typedef __detail::_Hashtable_traits<_Cache, true, false> |
Base types for unordered_multiset.
Definition at line 55 of file unordered_set.h.
using std::__uset_traits = typedef __detail::_Hashtable_traits<_Cache, true, true> |
Base types for unordered_set.
Definition at line 40 of file unordered_set.h.
using std::compare_three_way_result_t = typedef typename __detail::__cmp3way_res_impl<_Tp, _Up>::type |
using std::index_sequence = typedef integer_sequence<size_t, _Idx...> |
using std::index_sequence_for = typedef make_index_sequence<sizeof...(_Types)> |
using std::make_index_sequence = typedef make_integer_sequence<size_t, _Num> |
using std::make_integer_sequence = typedef __make_integer_seq<integer_sequence, _Tp, _Num> |
typedef void(* std::new_handler) () |
typedef long long std::streamoff |
Type used by fpos, char_traits<char>, and char_traits<wchar_t>.
In clauses and 27.4.1 streamoff is described as an implementation defined type. Note: In versions of GCC up to and including GCC 3.3, streamoff was typedef long.
Definition at line 64 of file postypes.h.
typedef fpos<mbstate_t> std::streampos |
File position for char streams.
Definition at line 204 of file postypes.h.
typedef ptrdiff_t std::streamsize |
Integral type for I/O operation counts and buffer sizes.
Definition at line 68 of file postypes.h.
typedef fpos<mbstate_t> std::u16streampos |
File position for char16_t streams.
Definition at line 215 of file postypes.h.
typedef fpos<mbstate_t> std::u32streampos |
File position for char32_t streams.
Definition at line 217 of file postypes.h.
typedef fpos<mbstate_t> std::wstreampos |
File position for wchar_t streams.
Definition at line 206 of file postypes.h.
anonymous enum |
Definition at line 1838 of file stl_algo.h.
strong |
Describes the denormalization for floating-point types.
These values represent the presence or absence of a variable number of exponent bits. This type is used in the std::numeric_limits class.
strong |
I/O error code.
Definition at line 204 of file ios_base.h.
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routine.
Definition at line 1844 of file stl_algo.h.
References __insertion_sort(), and __unguarded_insertion_sort().
inlineconstexpr |
This is an overload used by find algos for the Input Iterator case.
Definition at line 2047 of file stl_algobase.h.
Referenced by __find_if_not(), and __search_n_aux().
constexpr |
This is an overload used by find algos for the RAI case.
Definition at line 2059 of file stl_algobase.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Provided for stable_partition to use.
Definition at line 106 of file stl_algo.h.
References __find_if().
constexpr |
Like find_if_not(), but uses and updates a count of the remaining range length instead of comparing against an end iterator.
Definition at line 120 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the rotate algorithm specialized on RAIs. It returns the greatest common divisor of two integer values.
Definition at line 1182 of file stl_algo.h.
pair<_IntType, _IntType> std::__gen_two_uniform_ints | ( | _IntType | __b0, |
_IntType | __b1, | ||
_UniformRandomBitGenerator && | __g | ||
) |
Generate two uniformly distributed integers using a single distribution invocation.
__b0 | The upper bound for the first integer. |
__b1 | The upper bound for the second integer. |
__g | A UniformRandomBitGenerator. |
Requires: __b0 * __b1 <= __g.max() - __g.min().
Using uniform_int_distribution with a range that is very small relative to the range of the generator ends up wasting potentially expensively generated randomness, since uniform_int_distribution does not store leftover randomness between invocations.
If we know we want two integers in ranges that are sufficiently small, we can compose the ranges, use a single distribution invocation, and significantly reduce the waste.
Definition at line 3673 of file stl_algo.h.
Referenced by __sample().
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routines.
Definition at line 1625 of file stl_algo.h.
void std::__inplace_stable_sort | ( | _RandomAccessIterator | __first, |
_RandomAccessIterator | __last, | ||
_Compare | __comp | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the stable sorting routines.
Definition at line 2739 of file stl_algo.h.
References __insertion_sort(), and __merge_without_buffer().
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routine.
Definition at line 1802 of file stl_algo.h.
Referenced by __final_insertion_sort(), and __inplace_stable_sort().
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routine.
Definition at line 1908 of file stl_algo.h.
References __unguarded_partition_pivot().
inlineconstexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routines and for random.tcc.
Definition at line 1505 of file stl_algobase.h.
Referenced by std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m >::seed().
void std::__merge_adaptive | ( | _BidirectionalIterator | __first, |
_BidirectionalIterator | __middle, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator | __last, | ||
_Distance | __len1, | ||
_Distance | __len2, | ||
_Pointer | __buffer, | ||
_Distance | __buffer_size, | ||
_Compare | __comp | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the merge routines.
Definition at line 2390 of file stl_algo.h.
void std::__merge_without_buffer | ( | _BidirectionalIterator | __first, |
_BidirectionalIterator | __middle, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator | __last, | ||
_Distance | __len1, | ||
_Distance | __len2, | ||
_Compare | __comp | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the merge routines.
Definition at line 2451 of file stl_algo.h.
References advance().
Referenced by __inplace_stable_sort().
constexpr |
Swaps the median value of *__a, *__b and *__c under __comp to *__result.
Definition at line 82 of file stl_algo.h.
Referenced by __unguarded_partition_pivot().
_OutputIterator std::__move_merge | ( | _InputIterator | __first1, |
_InputIterator | __last1, | ||
_InputIterator | __first2, | ||
_InputIterator | __last2, | ||
_OutputIterator | __result, | ||
_Compare | __comp | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the __merge_sort_loop routines.
Definition at line 2615 of file stl_algo.h.
void std::__move_merge_adaptive | ( | _InputIterator1 | __first1, |
_InputIterator1 | __last1, | ||
_InputIterator2 | __first2, | ||
_InputIterator2 | __last2, | ||
_OutputIterator | __result, | ||
_Compare | __comp | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the __merge_adaptive routines.
Definition at line 2283 of file stl_algo.h.
void std::__move_merge_adaptive_backward | ( | _BidirectionalIterator1 | __first1, |
_BidirectionalIterator1 | __last1, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator2 | __first2, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator2 | __last2, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator3 | __result, | ||
_Compare | __comp | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the __merge_adaptive routines.
Definition at line 2309 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is a helper function...
Definition at line 1470 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is a helper function...
Definition at line 1444 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is an uglified reverse(_BidirectionalIterator, _BidirectionalIterator) overloaded for bidirectional iterators.
Definition at line 1078 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is an uglified reverse(_BidirectionalIterator, _BidirectionalIterator) overloaded for random access iterators.
Definition at line 1099 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the rotate algorithm.
Definition at line 1242 of file stl_algo.h.
References __rotate().
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the rotate algorithm.
Definition at line 1200 of file stl_algo.h.
References __rotate().
Referenced by __rotate().
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the rotate algorithm.
Definition at line 1281 of file stl_algo.h.
References __rotate().
_BidirectionalIterator1 std::__rotate_adaptive | ( | _BidirectionalIterator1 | __first, |
_BidirectionalIterator1 | __middle, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator1 | __last, | ||
_Distance | __len1, | ||
_Distance | __len2, | ||
_BidirectionalIterator2 | __buffer, | ||
_Distance | __buffer_size | ||
) |
This is a helper function for the merge routines.
Definition at line 2352 of file stl_algo.h.
_OutputIterator std::__sample | ( | _ForwardIterator | __first, |
_ForwardIterator | __last, | ||
forward_iterator_tag | , | ||
_OutputIterator | __out, | ||
_Cat | , | ||
_Size | __n, | ||
_UniformRandomBitGenerator && | __g | ||
) |
Selection sampling algorithm.
Definition at line 5796 of file stl_algo.h.
References __gen_two_uniform_ints(), distance(), std::pair< _T1, _T2 >::first, min(), and std::pair< _T1, _T2 >::second.
Referenced by sample().
_RandomAccessIterator std::__sample | ( | _InputIterator | __first, |
_InputIterator | __last, | ||
input_iterator_tag | , | ||
_RandomAccessIterator | __out, | ||
random_access_iterator_tag | , | ||
_Size | __n, | ||
_UniformRandomBitGenerator && | __g | ||
) |
Reservoir sampling algorithm.
Definition at line 5769 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is an helper function for search_n overloaded for forward iterators.
Definition at line 197 of file stl_algo.h.
References __find_if().
constexpr |
This is an helper function for search_n overloaded for random access iterators.
Definition at line 230 of file stl_algo.h.
_ForwardIterator std::__stable_partition_adaptive | ( | _ForwardIterator | __first, |
_ForwardIterator | __last, | ||
_Predicate | __pred, | ||
_Distance | __len, | ||
_Pointer | __buffer, | ||
_Distance | __buffer_size | ||
) |
This is a helper function... Requires __first != __last and !__pred(__first) and __len == distance(__first, __last).
!__pred(__first) allows us to guarantee that we don't move-assign an element onto itself.
Definition at line 1506 of file stl_algo.h.
inlineconstexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routine.
Definition at line 1826 of file stl_algo.h.
References __unguarded_linear_insert().
Referenced by __final_insertion_sort().
constexpr |
This is a helper function for the sort routine.
Definition at line 1782 of file stl_algo.h.
Referenced by __unguarded_insertion_sort().
constexpr |
This is a helper function...
Definition at line 1861 of file stl_algo.h.
Referenced by __unguarded_partition_pivot().
inlineconstexpr |
This is a helper function...
Definition at line 1883 of file stl_algo.h.
References __move_median_to_first(), and __unguarded_partition().
Referenced by __introsort_loop().
constexpr |
This is an uglified unique_copy(_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _OutputIterator, _BinaryPredicate) overloaded for forward iterators and output iterator as result.
Definition at line 992 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is an uglified unique_copy(_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _OutputIterator, _BinaryPredicate) overloaded for input iterators and forward iterator as result.
Definition at line 1055 of file stl_algo.h.
constexpr |
This is an uglified unique_copy(_InputIterator, _InputIterator, _OutputIterator, _BinaryPredicate) overloaded for input iterators and output iterator as result.
Definition at line 1022 of file stl_algo.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Constructs an object in existing memory by invoking an allocated object's constructor with an initializer.
Definition at line 109 of file stl_construct.h.
Referenced by std::allocator_traits< allocator< void > >::construct().
inlineconstexpr |
Destroy a range of objects. If the value_type of the object has a trivial destructor, the compiler should optimize all of this away, otherwise the objects' destructors must be invoked.
Definition at line 182 of file stl_construct.h.
constexpr |
Destroy a range of objects using the supplied allocator. For non-default allocators we do not optimize away invocation of destroy() even if _Tp has a trivial destructor.
Definition at line 832 of file bits/alloc_traits.h.
References __addressof(), and std::allocator_traits< _Alloc >::destroy().
Referenced by std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::~vector(), and std::allocator_traits< allocator< void > >::destroy().
inlineconstexpr |
Destroy the object pointed to by a pointer type.
Definition at line 146 of file stl_construct.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Destroy a range of objects. If the value_type of the object has a trivial destructor, the compiler should optimize all of this away, otherwise the objects' destructors must be invoked.
Definition at line 231 of file stl_construct.h.
inline |
inline |
inlineconstexpr |
A generalization of pointer arithmetic.
__i | An input iterator. |
__n | The delta by which to change __i . |
This increments i
by n
. For bidirectional and random access iterators, __n
may be negative, in which case __i
is decremented.
For random access iterators, this uses their +
and -
operations and are constant time. For other iterator classes they are linear time.
Definition at line 218 of file stl_iterator_base_funcs.h.
References __iterator_category().
Referenced by __merge_without_buffer().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlineconstexpr |
Return an iterator pointing to the first element of the container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 52 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Return an iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
__arr | Array. |
Definition at line 95 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return an iterator pointing to the first element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 63 of file range_access.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Create call wrapper by partial application of arguments to function.
The result of std::bind_front(f, args...)
is a function object that stores f
and the bound arguments, args...
. When that function object is invoked with call_args...
it returns the result of calling f(args..., call_args...)
Definition at line 986 of file functional.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::boolalpha).
Definition at line 917 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::boolalpha.
constexprnoexcept |
Return an iterator pointing to the first element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 126 of file range_access.h.
References begin().
constexprnoexcept |
Return an iterator pointing to one past the last element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 138 of file range_access.h.
References end().
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 1942 of file shared_ptr_base.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return a reverse iterator pointing to the last element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 238 of file range_access.h.
References rbegin().
inlineconstexpr |
Return a reverse iterator pointing one past the first element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 249 of file range_access.h.
References rend().
constexprnoexcept |
Return the data pointer of a container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 311 of file range_access.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Return the data pointer of an array.
__array | Array. |
Definition at line 333 of file range_access.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Return the data pointer of a const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 322 of file range_access.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Return the data pointer of an initializer list.
__il | Initializer list. |
Definition at line 343 of file range_access.h.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::dec, ios_base::basefield).
Definition at line 1055 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::basefield, and std::ios_base::dec.
Referenced by operator<<(), and operator>>().
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::floatfield)
Definition at line 1108 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::floatfield.
inlineconstexpr |
A generalization of pointer arithmetic.
__first | An input iterator. |
__last | An input iterator. |
Returns n
such that __first + n == __last. This requires that __last
must be reachable from __first
. Note that n
may be negative.
For random access iterators, this uses their +
and -
operations and are constant time. For other iterator classes they are linear time.
Definition at line 147 of file stl_iterator_base_funcs.h.
References __iterator_category().
Referenced by __sample(), std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_range_initialize(), std::sub_match< _BiIter >::length(), __gnu_parallel::multiseq_partition(), __gnu_parallel::multiseq_selection(), and std::match_results< _Bi_iter, _Alloc >::position().
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 1955 of file shared_ptr_base.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Return whether a container is empty.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 283 of file range_access.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Return whether an array is empty (always false).
Definition at line 292 of file range_access.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Return whether an initializer_list is empty.
__il | Initializer list. |
Definition at line 301 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return an iterator pointing to one past the last element of the container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 74 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Return an iterator pointing to one past the last element of the array.
__arr | Array. |
Definition at line 106 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return an iterator pointing to one past the last element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 85 of file range_access.h.
inline |
Write a newline and flush the stream.
This manipulator is often mistakenly used when a simple newline is desired, leading to poor buffering performance. See for more on this subject.
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
inline |
Calls base.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield).
Definition at line 1080 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::fixed, and std::ios_base::floatfield.
inline |
__detail::__integer_from_chars_result_type<_Tp> std::from_chars | ( | const char * | __first, |
const char * | __last, | ||
_Tp & | __value, | ||
int | __base = 10 |
) |
constexprnoexcept |
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 894 of file stl_pair.h.
References move().
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 884 of file stl_pair.h.
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 870 of file stl_pair.h.
References move().
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 865 of file stl_pair.h.
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 914 of file stl_pair.h.
References move().
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 904 of file stl_pair.h.
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 889 of file stl_pair.h.
References move().
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 879 of file stl_pair.h.
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 860 of file stl_pair.h.
References move().
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 855 of file stl_pair.h.
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 909 of file stl_pair.h.
References move().
constexprnoexcept |
std::get overloads for accessing members of std::pair
Definition at line 899 of file stl_pair.h.
inline |
noexcept |
Return the current new handler.
noexcept |
Allocates a temporary buffer.
__len | The number of objects of type Tp. |
Reinventing the wheel, but this time with prettier spokes!
This function tries to obtain storage for __len
adjacent Tp objects. The objects themselves are not constructed, of course. A pair<> is returned containing the buffer s address and capacity (in the units of sizeof(_Tp)), or a pair of 0 values if no storage can be obtained. Note that the capacity obtained may be less than that requested if the memory is unavailable; you should compare len with the .second return value.
Provides the nothrow exception guarantee.
Definition at line 101 of file stl_tempbuf.h.
inline |
inline |
Read a line from an rvalue stream into a string.
Definition at line 3938 of file basic_string.h.
References getline().
inline |
Read a line from an rvalue stream into a string.
Definition at line 3931 of file basic_string.h.
References getline().
inline |
Read a line from stream into a string.
__is | Input stream. |
__str | Buffer to store into. |
Stores characters from is into __str until '
' is found, the end of the stream is encountered, or str.max_size() is reached. If is.width() is non-zero, that is the limit on the number of characters stored into __str. Any previous contents of __str are erased. If end of line was encountered, it is extracted but not stored into __str.
Definition at line 2678 of file vstring.h.
References getline(), and std::basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::widen().
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::getline | ( | basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __is, |
__gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > & | __str, | ||
_CharT | __delim | ||
) |
Read a line from stream into a string.
__is | Input stream. |
__str | Buffer to store into. |
__delim | Character marking end of line. |
Stores characters from __is into __str until __delim is found, the end of the stream is encountered, or str.max_size() is reached. If is.width() is non-zero, that is the limit on the number of characters stored into __str. Any previous contents of __str are erased. If delim was encountered, it is extracted but not stored into __str.
Definition at line 627 of file vstring.tcc.
References __gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base >::max_size().
inline |
Read a line from stream into a string.
__is | Input stream. |
__str | Buffer to store into. |
Stores characters from is into __str until '
' is found, the end of the stream is encountered, or str.max_size() is reached. Any previous contents of __str are erased. If end of line is encountered, it is extracted but not stored into __str.
Definition at line 3923 of file basic_string.h.
References getline(), and std::basic_ios< _CharT, _Traits >::widen().
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::getline | ( | basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __is, |
basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > & | __str, | ||
_CharT | __delim | ||
) |
Read a line from stream into a string.
__is | Input stream. |
__str | Buffer to store into. |
__delim | Character marking end of line. |
Stores characters from __is into __str until __delim is found, the end of the stream is encountered, or str.max_size() is reached. Any previous contents of __str are erased. If __delim is encountered, it is extracted but not stored into __str.
Definition at line 1012 of file basic_string.tcc.
References std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::max_size().
Referenced by getline().
Calls base.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield).
Definition at line 1063 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::basefield, and std::ios_base::hex.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::fixed|ios_basescientific, ios_base::floatfield)
Definition at line 1100 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield, and std::ios_base::scientific.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield).
Definition at line 1030 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::adjustfield, and std::ios_base::internal.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Invoke a callable object.
takes a callable object as its first argument and calls it with the remaining arguments. The callable object can be a pointer or reference to a function, a lambda closure, a class with operator()
, or even a pointer-to-member. For a pointer-to-member the first argument must be a reference or pointer to the object that the pointer-to-member will be applied to.
Definition at line 107 of file functional.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2655 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2631 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2668 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2613 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2637 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2661 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2625 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2607 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2643 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2601 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2619 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to, __c).
Definition at line 2649 of file locale_facets.h.
constexprnoexcept |
constexprnoexcept |
Calls base.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield).
Definition at line 1038 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::adjustfield, and std::ios_base::left.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha).
Definition at line 925 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::boolalpha.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showbase).
Definition at line 941 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::showbase.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint).
Definition at line 957 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::showpoint.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showpos).
Definition at line 973 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::showpos.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::skipws).
Definition at line 989 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::skipws.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::unitbuf).
Definition at line 1021 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::unitbuf.
Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::uppercase).
Definition at line 1005 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::uppercase.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield).
Definition at line 1071 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::basefield, and std::ios_base::oct.
inline |
Test difference of C string and string.
__lhs | C string. |
__rhs | String. |
Definition at line 3666 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Test difference of string and C string.
__lhs | String. |
__rhs | C string. |
Definition at line 3678 of file basic_string.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Test difference of two strings.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Definition at line 3653 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 2338 of file stl_deque.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 1503 of file forward_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 2189 of file stl_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 1177 of file stl_multimap.h.
inline |
Returns !(x == y).
Definition at line 1017 of file stl_multiset.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 406 of file stl_queue.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 382 of file stl_stack.h.
inline |
Based on operator==.
Definition at line 2081 of file stl_vector.h.
constexpr |
Concatenate character and string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Last string. |
Definition at line 627 of file basic_string.tcc.
References std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::get_allocator(), and std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::size().
constexpr |
Concatenate C string and string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Last string. |
Definition at line 606 of file basic_string.tcc.
inlineconstexpr |
Concatenate string and character.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Last string. |
Definition at line 3489 of file basic_string.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Concatenate string and C string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Last string. |
Definition at line 3472 of file basic_string.h.
constexpr |
Concatenate two strings.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Last string. |
Definition at line 3432 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Test if C string precedes string.
__lhs | C string. |
__rhs | String. |
Definition at line 3715 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Test if string precedes C string.
__lhs | String. |
__rhs | C string. |
Definition at line 3703 of file basic_string.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Test if string precedes string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Definition at line 3690 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Deque ordering relation.
__x | A deque. |
__y | A deque of the same type as __x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the deques. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
Definition at line 2329 of file stl_deque.h.
References std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), and std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::end().
inline |
Forward list ordering relation.
__lx | A forward_list. |
__ly | A forward_list of the same type as __lx. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the number of elements of the forward lists. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
Definition at line 1493 of file forward_list.h.
References std::forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc >::cbegin(), and std::forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc >::cend().
inline |
List ordering relation.
__x | A list. |
__y | A list of the same type as __x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the lists. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
Definition at line 2180 of file stl_list.h.
References std::list< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), and std::list< _Tp, _Alloc >::end().
inline |
Map ordering relation.
__x | A map. |
__y | A map of the same type as x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the maps. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
inline |
Multimap ordering relation.
__x | A multimap. |
__y | A multimap of the same type as __x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the multimaps. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
Definition at line 1169 of file stl_multimap.h.
inline |
Multiset ordering relation.
__x | A multiset. |
__y | A multiset of the same type as __x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the sets. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
Definition at line 1009 of file stl_multiset.h.
inline |
Queue ordering relation.
__x | A queue. |
__y | A queue of the same type as x. |
This is an total ordering relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, the elements must be comparable with <
, and std::lexicographical_compare() is usually used to make the determination.
Definition at line 398 of file stl_queue.h.
References std::queue< _Tp, _Sequence >::c.
inline |
Set ordering relation.
__x | A set. |
__y | A set of the same type as x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the sets. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
inline |
Stack ordering relation.
__x | A stack. |
__y | A stack of the same type as x. |
This is an total ordering relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, the elements must be comparable with <
, and std::lexicographical_compare() is usually used to make the determination.
Definition at line 374 of file stl_stack.h.
inline |
Vector ordering relation.
__x | A vector. |
__y | A vector of the same type as __x. |
This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the vectors. The elements must be comparable with <
See std::lexicographical_compare() for how the determination is made.
Definition at line 2073 of file stl_vector.h.
References std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), and std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::end().
inline |
Generic inserter for rvalue stream.
__os | An input stream. |
__x | A reference to the object being inserted. |
This is just a forwarding function to allow insertion to rvalue streams since they won't bind to the inserter functions that take an lvalue reference.
inline |
inline |
Write string to a stream.
__os | Output stream. |
__str | String to write out. |
Output characters of __str into os following the same rules as for writing a C string.
Definition at line 3870 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
inline |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
inline |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< | ( | basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __out, |
const char * | __s | ||
) |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
Definition at line 282 of file ostream.tcc.
delete |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
delete |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
delete |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
delete |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
delete |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
delete |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
inline |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
inline |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
inline |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
inline |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
inline |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
inline |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
delete |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
delete |
Character inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__c | A character. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
If __c
is of type char
and the character type of the stream is not char
, the character is widened before insertion.
delete |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
delete |
String inserters.
__out | An output stream. |
__s | A character string. |
must be a non-NULL pointerBehaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(__s)
characters starting at __s
, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). __out.width(0)
is then called.
std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::operator<< | ( | std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __os, |
const bitset< _Nb > & | __x | ||
) |
inline |
Test if C string doesn't follow string.
__lhs | C string. |
__rhs | String. |
Definition at line 3791 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Test if string doesn't follow C string.
__lhs | String. |
__rhs | C string. |
Definition at line 3779 of file basic_string.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Test if string doesn't follow string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Definition at line 3766 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2351 of file stl_deque.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 1526 of file forward_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2202 of file stl_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 1190 of file stl_multimap.h.
inline |
Returns !(y < x)
Definition at line 1030 of file stl_multiset.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 419 of file stl_queue.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 395 of file stl_stack.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2092 of file stl_vector.h.
inline |
Test equivalence of C string and string.
__lhs | C string. |
__rhs | String. |
Definition at line 3640 of file basic_string.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Test equivalence of string and C string.
__lhs | String. |
__rhs | C string. |
Definition at line 3599 of file basic_string.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Test equivalence of two strings.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Definition at line 3575 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Deque equality comparison.
__x | A deque. |
__y | A deque of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the deques. Deques are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
Definition at line 2290 of file stl_deque.h.
References std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::end(), and std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::size().
bool std::operator== | ( | const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > & | __lx, |
const forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc > & | __ly | ||
) |
Forward list equality comparison.
__lx | A forward_list |
__ly | A forward_list of the same type as __lx. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the number of elements of the forward lists. Deques are considered equivalent if corresponding elements compare equal.
Definition at line 393 of file forward_list.tcc.
References std::forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc >::cbegin(), and std::forward_list< _Tp, _Alloc >::cend().
inline |
Test if equivalent to another position.
Definition at line 192 of file postypes.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Test whether a polymorphic function object wrapper is empty.
if the wrapper has no target, false
otherwiseThis function will not throw exceptions.
Definition at line 718 of file std_function.h.
inline |
List equality comparison.
__x | A list. |
__y | A list of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the lists. Lists are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
Definition at line 2124 of file stl_list.h.
References std::list< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), std::list< _Tp, _Alloc >::end(), and std::list< _Tp, _Alloc >::size().
inline |
Map equality comparison.
__x | A map. |
__y | A map of the same type as x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the maps. Maps are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
inline |
Multimap equality comparison.
__x | A multimap. |
__y | A multimap of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the multimaps. Multimaps are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
Definition at line 1132 of file stl_multimap.h.
inline |
Multiset equality comparison.
__x | A multiset. |
__y | A multiset of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the multisets. Multisets are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
Definition at line 972 of file stl_multiset.h.
inline |
Queue equality comparison.
__x | A queue. |
__y | A queue of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, and queues are considered equivalent if their sequences compare equal.
Definition at line 380 of file stl_queue.h.
References std::queue< _Tp, _Sequence >::c.
inline |
Set equality comparison.
__x | A set. |
__y | A set of the same type as x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the sets. Sets are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
inline |
Stack equality comparison.
__x | A stack. |
__y | A stack of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, and stacks are considered equivalent if their sequences compare equal.
Definition at line 356 of file stl_stack.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Vector equality comparison.
__x | A vector. |
__y | A vector of the same type as __x. |
This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the vectors. Vectors are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.
Definition at line 2035 of file stl_vector.h.
References std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::begin(), std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::end(), and std::vector< _Tp, _Alloc >::size().
inline |
Test if C string follows string.
__lhs | C string. |
__rhs | String. |
Definition at line 3754 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Test if string follows C string.
__lhs | String. |
__rhs | C string. |
Definition at line 3742 of file basic_string.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Test if string follows string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Definition at line 3729 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2345 of file stl_deque.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 1511 of file forward_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2196 of file stl_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 1184 of file stl_multimap.h.
inline |
Returns y < x.
Definition at line 1024 of file stl_multiset.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 413 of file stl_queue.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 389 of file stl_stack.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2087 of file stl_vector.h.
inline |
Test if C string doesn't precede string.
__lhs | C string. |
__rhs | String. |
Definition at line 3830 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Test if string doesn't precede C string.
__lhs | String. |
__rhs | C string. |
Definition at line 3818 of file basic_string.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Test if string doesn't precede string.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Definition at line 3805 of file basic_string.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2359 of file stl_deque.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 1519 of file forward_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2210 of file stl_list.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 1198 of file stl_multimap.h.
inline |
Returns !(x < y)
Definition at line 1038 of file stl_multiset.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 427 of file stl_queue.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 403 of file stl_stack.h.
inline |
Based on operator<.
Definition at line 2099 of file stl_vector.h.
inline |
Generic extractor for rvalue stream.
__is | An input stream. |
__x | A reference to the extraction target. |
This is just a forwarding function to allow extraction from rvalue streams since they won't bind to the extractor functions that take an lvalue reference.
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> | ( | basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __in, |
_CharT & | __c | ||
) |
Character extractors.
__in | An input stream. |
__c | A character reference. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts a character (if one is available) and stores it in __c. Otherwise, sets failbit in the input stream.
Definition at line 960 of file istream.tcc.
References std::ios_base::goodbit.
inline |
Character string extractors.
__in | An input stream. |
__s | A character array (or a pointer to an array before C++20). |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream
. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts up to n
characters and stores them into the array __s
. n
is defined as:
is greater than zero, n
is min(width(), n)
is the number of elements of the arraychar_type
).Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following happens:
n - 1
characters are storedwidth(0)
is then called for the input stream.
If no characters are extracted, sets failbit.
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> | ( | basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __is, |
__gnu_cxx::__versa_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base > & | __str | ||
) |
Read stream into a string.
__is | Input stream. |
__str | Buffer to store into. |
Stores characters from __is into __str until whitespace is found, the end of the stream is encountered, or str.max_size() is reached. If is.width() is non-zero, that is the limit on the number of characters stored into __str. Any previous contents of __str are erased.
Definition at line 552 of file vstring.tcc.
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> | ( | basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __is, |
basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc > & | __str | ||
) |
Read stream into a string.
__is | Input stream. |
__str | Buffer to store into. |
Stores characters from __is into __str until whitespace is found, the end of the stream is encountered, or str.max_size() is reached. If is.width() is non-zero, that is the limit on the number of characters stored into __str. Any previous contents of __str are erased.
Definition at line 940 of file basic_string.tcc.
inline |
Character extractors.
__in | An input stream. |
__c | A character reference. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts a character (if one is available) and stores it in __c. Otherwise, sets failbit in the input stream.
inline |
Character string extractors.
__in | An input stream. |
__s | A character array (or a pointer to an array before C++20). |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream
. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts up to n
characters and stores them into the array __s
. n
is defined as:
is greater than zero, n
is min(width(), n)
is the number of elements of the arraychar_type
).Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following happens:
n - 1
characters are storedwidth(0)
is then called for the input stream.
If no characters are extracted, sets failbit.
inline |
Character extractors.
__in | An input stream. |
__c | A character reference. |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts a character (if one is available) and stores it in __c. Otherwise, sets failbit in the input stream.
inline |
Character string extractors.
__in | An input stream. |
__s | A character array (or a pointer to an array before C++20). |
Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream
. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts up to n
characters and stores them into the array __s
. n
is defined as:
is greater than zero, n
is min(width(), n)
is the number of elements of the arraychar_type
).Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following happens:
n - 1
characters are storedwidth(0)
is then called for the input stream.
If no characters are extracted, sets failbit.
std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::operator>> | ( | std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __is, |
bitset< _Nb > & | __x | ||
) |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlineconstexpr |
Return a reverse iterator pointing to the last element of the container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 150 of file range_access.h.
Referenced by crbegin().
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Return a reverse iterator pointing to the last element of the array.
__arr | Array. |
Definition at line 194 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return a reverse iterator pointing to the last element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 161 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Return a reverse iterator pointing to the last element of the initializer_list.
__il | initializer_list. |
Definition at line 216 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return a reverse iterator pointing one past the first element of the container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 172 of file range_access.h.
Referenced by crend().
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Return a reverse iterator pointing one past the first element of the array.
__arr | Array. |
Definition at line 205 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Return a reverse iterator pointing one past the first element of the const container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 183 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Return a reverse iterator pointing one past the first element of the initializer_list.
__il | initializer_list. |
Definition at line 227 of file range_access.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Copy a sequence, replacing each element of one value with another value.
__first | An input iterator. |
__last | An input iterator. |
__result | An output iterator. |
__old_value | The value to be replaced. |
__new_value | The replacement value. |
(last-first).Copies each element in the input range [__first,__last) to the output range
[__result,__result+(__last-__first)) replacing elements equal to
with __new_value
Definition at line 3123 of file stl_algo.h.
inline |
inline |
The companion to get_temporary_buffer().
__p | A buffer previously allocated by get_temporary_buffer. |
Frees the memory pointed to by __p.
Definition at line 128 of file stl_tempbuf.h.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield).
Definition at line 1046 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::adjustfield, and std::ios_base::right.
_SampleIterator std::sample | ( | _PopulationIterator | __first, |
_PopulationIterator | __last, | ||
_SampleIterator | __out, | ||
_Distance | __n, | ||
_UniformRandomBitGenerator && | __g | ||
) |
Take a random sample from a population.
Definition at line 5866 of file stl_algo.h.
References __sample().
Calls base.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield).
Definition at line 1088 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), std::ios_base::floatfield, and std::ios_base::scientific.
inlineconstexpr |
Search a sequence using a Searcher object.
__first | A forward iterator. |
__last | A forward iterator. |
__searcher | A callable object. |
.first Definition at line 4227 of file stl_algo.h.
new_handler std::set_new_handler | ( | new_handler | ) | ||
throw | ( | ||||
) |
Takes a replacement handler as the argument, returns the previous handler.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Calls base.setf(ios_base::showbase).
Definition at line 933 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::showbase.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::showpoint).
Definition at line 949 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::showpoint.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::showpos).
Definition at line 965 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::showpos.
constexprnoexcept |
Return the size of a container.
__cont | Container. |
Definition at line 264 of file range_access.h.
Referenced by std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_new_elements_at_back(), std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_new_elements_at_front(), std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_push_back_aux(), std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::_M_push_front_aux(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::append(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find_first_not_of(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::find_last_not_of(), std::deque< _Tp, _Alloc >::operator=(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::reserve(), std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::resize(), and std::basic_string< _CharT, _Traits, _Alloc >::rfind().
constexprnoexcept |
Return the size of an array.
Definition at line 274 of file range_access.h.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::skipws).
Definition at line 981 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::skipws.
Referenced by operator<<(), and operator>>().
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 1929 of file shared_ptr_base.h.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Swap contents of two strings.
__lhs | First string. |
__rhs | Second string. |
Exchanges the contents of __lhs and __rhs in constant time.
Definition at line 3845 of file basic_string.h.
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
See std::deque::swap().
Definition at line 2366 of file stl_deque.h.
inlinenoexcept |
See std::forward_list::swap().
Definition at line 1535 of file forward_list.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Swap the targets of two polymorphic function object wrappers.
This function will not throw exceptions.
Definition at line 757 of file std_function.h.
inlinenoexcept |
See std::list::swap().
Definition at line 2217 of file stl_list.h.
inlinenoexcept |
See std::map::swap().
Definition at line 1585 of file stl_map.h.
References std::pair< _T1, _T2 >::swap().
inlinenoexcept |
See std::multimap::swap().
Definition at line 1206 of file stl_multimap.h.
References std::pair< _T1, _T2 >::swap().
inlinenoexcept |
See std::multiset::swap().
Definition at line 1046 of file stl_multiset.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
See std::vector::swap().
Definition at line 2107 of file stl_vector.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to ctype.tolower(__c).
Definition at line 2681 of file locale_facets.h.
inline |
Convenience interface to ctype.toupper(__c).
Definition at line 2675 of file locale_facets.h.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::unitbuf).
Definition at line 1013 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::unitbuf.
Calls base.setf(ios_base::uppercase).
Definition at line 997 of file ios_base.h.
References __gnu_debug::__base(), and std::ios_base::uppercase.
basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::ws | ( | basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & | __is | ) |
Quick and easy way to eat whitespace.
This manipulator extracts whitespace characters, stopping when the next character is non-whitespace, or when the input sequence is empty. If the sequence is empty, eofbit
is set in the stream, but not failbit
The current locale is used to distinguish whitespace characters.
will skip leading whitespace before calling operator>> on cin and your object. Note that the same effect can be achieved by creating a std::basic_istream::sentry inside your definition of operator>>.
Definition at line 1055 of file istream.tcc.
References std::ios_base::goodbit.
static |
concept std::assignable_from |
extern |
Linked to standard output.
extern |
Linked to standard input.
extern |
Linked to standard error (unbuffered)
concept std::common_reference_with |
concept std::common_with |
concept std::constructible_from |
concept std::convertible_to |
concept std::copy_constructible |
extern |
Linked to standard input.
concept std::default_initializable |
concept std::derived_from |
inlineconstexpr |
concept std::destructible |
concept std::equivalence_relation |
concept std::indirectly_comparable |
[alg.req.ind.cmp], concept indirectly_comparable
Definition at line 890 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::indirectly_copyable |
[alg.req.ind.copy], concept indirectly_copyable
Definition at line 784 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::indirectly_movable |
[alg.req.ind.move], concept indirectly_movable
Definition at line 772 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::indirectly_readable |
Requirements for types that are readable by applying operator*.
Definition at line 533 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::indirectly_swappable |
[alg.req.ind.swap], concept indirectly_swappable
Definition at line 877 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::indirectly_writable |
Requirements for writing a value into an iterator's referenced object.
Definition at line 542 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::invocable |
concept std::mergeable |
[alg.req.mergeable], concept mergeable
Definition at line 904 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::move_constructible |
concept std::permutable |
[alg.req.permutable], concept permutable
Definition at line 896 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::predicate |
concept std::regular_invocable |
concept std::relation |
concept std::same_as |
concept std::sortable |
[alg.req.sortable], concept sortable
Definition at line 913 of file iterator_concepts.h.
concept std::strict_weak_order |
concept std::uniform_random_bit_generator |
Requirements for a uniform random bit generator.
Definition at line 48 of file uniform_int_dist.h.
extern |
Linked to standard output.
extern |
Linked to standard error (buffered)
extern |
Linked to standard error (unbuffered)
extern |
Linked to standard input.
concept std::weakly_incrementable |
Requirements on types that can be incremented with ++.
Definition at line 600 of file iterator_concepts.h.